All posts by Tyler Paulson

February 2014 Newsletter

A Family Furlough!

We have now been stateside for more than a month and adjusted quite well to the very different lifestyle here than we are used to in South Sudan.

Our greatest joy has been catching up with friends and churches after five years. The opportunity to share our ministry work and needs has been incredible and we are looking forward to more doors opening in churches and bible studies.

Kuj Kids
Kuj Kids Sharing at Awana

Our kids have also had a chance to share their mission experience with the Awana kids from Suzy’s home church, Horizon North County. Hannah (12) talked about her ‘field trips’ being spent in the medical clinic praying for children with wounds and learning to take blood pressure. She has quite a few unique medical experiences from seeing a cataract surgery and actually being present during a birth last year. Agum (10) shared about our Sunday school and how we invite kids to church and play ‘Kids Games’ with them. Jedidiah (9) shared how he has his own spear and bow and arrow. He loves fishing with his Dad and has slaughtered a chicken and goat (with some help).

The Road Trip!

By the time to receive this newsletter we will have started our road trip. We will be leaving from Indio, CA to Phoenix AZ, Las Cruces NM then Austin TX. We’ll pass through Houston TX, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama before arriving in Panama City Florida on March 13th. If you live in any of those areas we would love to see you. Our kids are so excited about the trip and we would just ask you to pray for us as we attempt to home-school on the road.

Tonj Update!

As a small ministry we are still very involved in the daily needs of the compound despite being so far away from South Sudan. Following the recent political upheaval, Sabet is monitoring the security situation daily. The capital Juba has reopened but firmly enforced government restrictions has now caused us not to be able to easily pass our medial supplies through Juba. Please pray we can find a solution to this before supplies diminish completely.

With the limited professional staff on the team Dr. Tom has been unusually busier than normal. He recognizes the fruit we are now experiencing from having spent hours training nationals to be skilled and competent Community Health Workers (CHW) who can support him and the two Kenyan nurses. Together they make a great team that brings glory to the Lord Jesus. As well as translating the CHW’s provide essential medical support and are learning the importance of including Jesus in everything they do. Many confidently pray for patients. Please keep the Tonj team in your prayers.

Dr. Tom
Dr. Tom and a CHW Pray for a Patient

Calvary Chapel Distinctives!

Pastor Kibe is a Kenyan sent out from Calvary Chapel Nairobi to serve alongside us in Tonj. He is covering for Sabet while we are on furlough. One of his goals for this year was to go through this book by Pastor Chuck Smith called Calvary Chapel Distinctives. It teaches the call to the ministry, church government, the rapture of the church and the priority of studying the Word of God.

Pastor Kibe
Pastor Kibe (right) Teaching the Pastors

It is going really well with great discussions on how it fits into the African culture.

“Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD” – Psalm 127:3

January 2014 Newsletter

Conflict in South Sudan!

It has now been more than a month since fighting broke out against rival tribes in the capital of South Sudan. What started in the army barracks quickly spilled onto the streets, creating fear, panic and confusion among civilians. UN, embassies and NGOs all reacted pulling their expat staff from field operations and asking non essential personnel to leave immediately.

Having lived and served in Warrap State of South Sudan for 6 years during the last civil war, we are all too familiar with the aftermath this kind of conflict has on the innocent people who want nothing more than a peaceful existence. They have paid the high price of war with the lives of their loved ones and children. This past 8 years of peace has given some stability and we have seen an increase in missionaries moving into South Sudan. Our hearts are deeply saddened and burdened for the future of our beloved country.

This last week we sent a small team back to Tonj to reopen the medical clinic. We do have about three months medical supplies but the government clinic is out of medicine so our clinic is the only stocked pharmacy at this point. Getting our team back to Tonj took them from Kenya to North Uganda and then a flight to South Sudan to avoid the conflict areas. They arrived safely and ready to serve. As a small team supporting the community health workers and people of Tonj, they really need your prayers. I know they will get overwhelmed by the enormous needs that are escalating every day. Here are some specific prayer requests concerning the fighting and effects on South Sudan:

  • Pray for a peaceful, sustainable solution to come quickly to all parties involved in this conflict.
  • Pray for the civilians, especially those who have been displaced.
  • Pray for wisdom for our team on the ground that they would be both blessing and encouragement to the people of Tonj.
  • Famine is likely following the devastating floods of the rainy season and now the displacement of people. Pray food supplies would be given in abundance over the next few months.
  • Pray for safety for our team and wisdom for the leadership as we direct the ministry and make decisions that effect lives.
2014 Tonj Team

Furlough and Road Trip!

Our family is two weeks into our home assignment (furlough) and excited to see how the Lord will use this time stateside to benefit both our ministry and our family. The mission conference was a fabulous time of spiritual feeding, encouragement and meeting many new people. We do have a schedule for our time here and would love to invite you to help us share our story and ministry with churches, home groups, men and women’s studies and any person you feel would be touched. If you would be interested in hosting a small gathering, possibly for brunch or coffee and dessert at your home and giving us a platform to share we would be most grateful for that chance and would love for you to contact us.

We plan to be in the following areas/States in February, March and April: San Diego, Orange County, Indio, Palm Springs, Palm Desert, Arizona,
New Mexico, Dallas, Houston, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Panama City, Florida. We are praying about visiting friends in Tennessee, Kentucky, and North Carolina as well as Northern California sometime in May. As we will be driving we do have a lot of flexibility and we are open to the Lord’s plan and direction. We also need to keep up with home-school and would appreciate your prayers for the kids as we travel and make plans for.

“Though an army may encamp against me,
My heart shall not fear;
Though war may rise against me,
In this I will be confident.”
– Psalm 27:3

December 2013 Newsletter

Christmas Greetings from the African continent! As many of you are now aware, our family was given a visa for Agum to travel to the USA and we will be at the Calvary Chapel Missions Conference in Murrieta, CA starting January 6th. We are so exctied to have this opportunity as a family to see everyone!

What We Want For Christmas?

Kuj Family

Christmas is coming fast and in this part of the world it is hard to know that Christmas is in full swing in so many other places. There are no frills and celebrations, lights, trees, gifts, food and for some even homes. Our family feels so fortunate to have the opportunity to serve the wonderful people of Tonj in South Sudan who are less fortunate, especially during this season. To bless others is truly a wonderful feeling and thanks to many of you we get to be a part of that firsthand every day. What we want for Christmas is to be able to serve this community for another year by providing transformational training workshops and medical care throughout 2014. Please pray for us as a family and ministry as we take a much needed break that it would not have a negative impact on those we serve.

A gift for Christmas!

To bring a smile and more importantly hope to someone else is priceless. In Deed and Truth Ministries is committed to the people of Tonj, South Sudan and we would like to give you the opportunity to be generous towards the Kingdom work. Our goal is to raise $250,000 to keep our clinic operating for another year. You can visit our website to donate. To help you know how your generous donation would be used here are some thoughts for Christmas shopping this year.

1. $10 provides a treated mosquito net to prevent malaria.

2. $25 provides a child under 5 with full immunization.

3. $50 provides for one Community Health Evangelist to attend training.

4. $100 provides for a Community Health Worker to serve the community for one month.

5. $150 a month provides a chaplain to cover our clinic 24 hours a day.

There are numerous other needs to keep our clinic in service and every gift, no matter the size is much appreciated.

Our family wishes you a wonderful Christmas as you celebrate the greatest Gift ever given, the birth of our Savior Jesus.

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” – Isaiah 9:6

November 2013 Newsletter



Tonj is in the state of Warrap, well known in South Sudan for flooding during the rainy season. Around 10,000 homes are affected every year, mostly near to river banks. This year the World Health Organization estimated over 70,000 homes were affected, destroying houses, crops, basic infrastructure and roads. Our clinic has also seen a marked increase in the number of malaria cases as well as waterborne diseases like diarrhea and respiratory infections. And to make matters worse livestock diseases have also increased and in danger as grasslands are covered with water.

We would ask you to please pray for our team as we seek the Lord’s guidance and wisdom on how we can best assist those that have lost everything. If you would like to help please go to our website to donate. Due to the severity of the flooding we have not been able to get to Maloney in over 2 months. Please join us in praying for the church and the people there. We know the after effects of this flooding will have devastating consequences for months ahead.



After our church plant in Maloney we saw a revival among the people there. We are praying this newfound faith will keep the church in perfect peace as they trust in the Lord during this challenging time of flooding. As our vehicle has not been able to pass on the road it has been tough not to be able to reach the church there.

We are so thankful for Pastor Santino and the commitment he has made to the people of Maloney. A year ago he shared the gospel with Mary Abuk. Mary had previously lost a child, had gone to the witch doctor and was riddled with fear. She had no hope and against her family’s wishes she went to church to ask for prayer. She has been faithfully attending and is now one of the CHE participants. She had a huge desire to get baptized and came to Tonj where Sabet and Pastor John were able to baptize her in the Tonj river.

Maloney is tucked away in one of the remotest corners on this planet, and yet we are witnessing the power of the Holy Spirit at work in people’s hearts and their desire to obey God’s Word. It is so encouraging to see this fruit after 4 years of serving there.

”Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD.“ Psalm 31:24


Our family has not had a furlough since 2008 and we are very excited to be able to finally travel in 2014 with Agum. Thanks to our amazing God, the American Embassy in Nairobi agreed to issue us with a three month visitor visa which will enable us to get some quality family time and visit family, friends, ministry partners and churches. We are planning to arrive in California for the Calvary Chapel Missions Conference in early January.

In light of this news, we are hoping to connect with as many of you as we can. We are requesting if you have a church, home group, bible study or small group that would be interested in hearing about our ministry work in South Sudan, please can you contact us so we can start to schedule and plan our time in America? We would be so blessed to have the opportunity to share what the Lord is doing through our family and ministry in South Sudan.

We are also in need of accommodation and a vehicle to use while we are stateside, please email or call Dena if you are able to help us with either of those needs.

We are so thankful for each one of you and your prayers for us.

September 2013 Newsletter

Operating for Jesus!

Tenwek Surgeons

Our vision for our medical ministry is that it would Glorify God through healing and transforming lives both physically and spiritually. Lack of medical care continues to be one of the greatest needs in Southern Sudan and our ability to meet those needs definitely leaves us feeling inadequate and overwhelmed. That is why we fully rely on Jesus and His Spirit to do above and beyond what we ask or think is possible. Jesus said he came to give life abundantly and we want those around us to trust in Him for that abundant life that starts with transforming the heart. Everywhere Jesus went He healed and spoke truth and life into people’s lives. Following His command to GO and make disciples, healing and preaching in His name, a group from Tenwek Mission hospital partnered with In Deed and Truth for a 10 day surgery clinic outreach. We enlisted the help of the local government hospital to host the surgeries in their newly overhauled theater which is barely used and lacking in equipment. They provided the space and we provided the rest. Together with Tenwek mission surgeons and medical staff we provided spiritual support to each patient through our pastoral care and provided Community Health care through local IDAT medical staff during and after surgery. The fruit was the completion of 52 successful surgeries and 5 commitments to Jesus Christ, with the gospel being presented and heard by more than 100 people. It is our greatest joy to watch a handful of our graduated pastors serving the ministry and the community. They shared Bible stories every day to the waiting crowds, patients and caretakers. Pastor Joseph always excels in engaging the people in these Bible stories. Hearts were clearly touched and many seeds were sown.

We love Tenwek’s mission statement “We treat, Jesus Heals!” That really was the message behind this outreach which has opened the door for many future medical clinics. Arriving ‘blind’ into the bush is no easy feat for any surgeon even with extensive mission experience so we are hopeful that this trip will prepare Tenwek and our team for future clinics and allow more complicated surgeries to be performed. It was quite a logistical task to gather equipment and drugs together and ensure everything was in place and we are thankful for the Lord’s guidance and wisdom as He guided every step and allowed us to be a part of this life changing event.

Most of the surgeries were for hernia or hydrocele but an emergency caesarean section was needed for one of our ANC patients who labored for 4 days without progressing. Usually in such cases both mother and baby perish even if we are able to transport them to Wau. So it was amazing to share the gift of surgery our Lord Jesus provided for her and to be able to deliver a healthy baby and also to witness her relief as she survived this traumatic labor

“Whatever city you enter, and they receive you, eat such things as are set before you. And heal the sick there, and say to them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’” – Luke 10:8-9

Prayer Requests!

Sabet recently went back to court in Kwajok to file again for Agum’s adoption. He was given the run around but persevered and completed the case with the judge who has sent his recommendation that we adopt Agum to the Ministry of Child Welfare in Juba. He will go to Juba later this month to see if there is any progress. Our prayer is that the Ministry of Child Welfare would start communicating with the US Embassy in Nairobi as we actually only need a visitor visa for now. The embassy said their hands are tied as the Juba authorities have not responded to them. In the meantime our family is in need of a break to get rest and do some fundraising but for the last 5 years we have not traveled together as a family. This is our greatest prayer need.

Please continue to pray for all our team and staff as they serve the Lord in South Sudan, that they would be filled with His Spirit and walk in His ways.