Rachel’s Post.

You know, their are quite a few who never get the courage to go out and make their wildest dreams come true. I was one of them, so God made them come true for me! My dream since childhood had been, #1. to go to Africa, #2. to be a doctor and #3. to do both at the same time. Well as God would have it, both of those dreams came true for me when God had me get on a plane heading for south Sudan to work in a medical clinic for three months. Alright, I’m not a doctor yet but it is still a fulfillment of that dream for me. My name is Rachael Anne Callaghan, I just graduated high school and I am now in Sudan working alongside In Deed and Truth Ministries in their medical clinic. When the plane touched down in Tonj I knew that God was going to do some amazing things! I came here with one college course in First Aid and CPR, never did I think that I would be using it so extensively in my every day work. In the two weeks that I have been here I have learned to clean and dress or bandage wounds, and I have rather taken over the Wound Care and Immunization Room. I have seen minor wounds and major wounds, burns and lacerations, I have cut part of a man’s tow off, assisted in after birth care, seen multiple cases of malaria, even witnessed a death. However, throughout all this God has been good and has made himself present to me more then ever before! I will continue to praise God through these storms because without Him nothing that has happened here would have been possible. Before I left my mother, Kimberly gave me 92 verses, one for every day that I am away.

My verse for this day is James 1:22 “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves, For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natual face in a mirror for he observes himself, goes away and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. But he looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.”

One thought on “Rachel’s Post.”

  1. What a wealth of experience you are receiving, and at a young age! With your willing heart, hands & feet, it sounds like you will be a very productive tool in the Lord’s hands.

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