The First Simply the Story in Mapel.

“And it shall come to pass afterward
That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your old men shall dream dreams,
Your young men shall see visions.” – Joel 2:28

Mapel is a small town about 18 miles away from Tonj. It’s for the Lou tribe , otherwise known as Jur Chol locally. They have their own dialogue and well known for how hard working people and very amazing powerful traditional dance. We have mentioned in the past, we have been evangelizing remote villages and have worked with church leaders from this area for more than 8 years. The church always is battling with witchcraft, worship of idols, ancestral spirits worship and traditional beliefs.

This time in March, we have taken the STS to Mapel, if anything was clear from the training, it was the fact everyone participated was bringing a point of view on the stories was fresh and enlightening to the participants, I believe it was the  Holy Spirit working,  and people  opening their hearts to His conviction, revealing His truth from the stories of the Bible, I have seen the excitement when the lights came on, I saw eyes were wide open and the mouth opening wide, and hearts are comforted with the Truth of same Bible stories, that they have heard before and amazed of the treasures that are seeing for the first time.

The other thing I notice in the training, is the excitement of the Mapel men and women, that they could do this on their own, they could go through the story, ask question and come to these truths alone, without the help of a pastor or someone who reads, Never ever before they could hear the word or read it (most people are illiterates) and understand the Spiritual observation and apply these spiritual application to match their present lives today.

What a blessing is to have the tool of the oral inductive Bible study in the STS.

At one point learning and discussing the Mary, Martha story, the conclusion that brought by Mary Nybang, one of the old ladies in the training, and I quote here “we have been the Martha’s (the Women in the Church) for a long time in the church just being busy with cooking, cleaning and never been the Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus and learning from Him, Always we felt we couldn’t because we can’t read, always dependent on our husbands to understand the word of God. Now STS gave us the opportunity and the tool to be independent and be at the feet of Jesus like Mary, we are able to learn the stories and ask questions and get all the treasures of the word of God, we are now sitting at the feet of our Lord and we are able to be the daughters Mary’s.”

What a blessing to hear Mary Nybang testimony from Mapel, I can testify to what the Lord is doing using the STS among the Lou tribe.

They were more than 50 pastors and church leaders including 10 women, from various villages around mapel town.

Pray for the Lord to give us the wisdom, as we pray for Oral bible school in small villages in the 4 areas that our pastors comes from, Maple, Tonj East, Tonj North, and Cubit.

Our 13 pastors have been doing the stories since last year, they have testimonies from their own churches, each one of the pastors trained his own church leaders from 5 people to 15, we are very excited to see they are putting emphasis on training leaders, starting in their own villages and churches, very glad they are putting what they learn on practice.

Let me take this opportunity and share my heart with you, I love to continue work with some pastors after they graduate, I would like for them to train others, specifically in the mention 4 areas, Mapel, Tonj east, Tonj North and Ciubet (pronounce Chuaibet).

Pray for Santino Bak  one of the pastors in our school, who his heart is to train STS and to be a CHE (Community Health Evangelism) trainer, he is sharing with me how it’s very important to train to transform, he sees STS and CHE are tools for transformation.

Santino would love to go around and teaches in these 4 centers STS, we are praying for a bike for him so he can use it to visit and train these 4 centers with the simply stories and possibly CHE training in the Future.

God is doing someone great among the pastors would love your prayers and support for it to continue and many would be saved and transformed.


One thought on “The First Simply the Story in Mapel.”

  1. I just want to say that I love you all and that God is blessing you all with wisdom and knowlege. He is there with you and hears your prayers, have patients in your prayers to him. I believe that the Lord is pouring out his blessing to all who want Him to. I am so amazed to hear your testimonies and how and what he is doing with you all. God bless you all and coninue to work His will

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