Urgent Prayer Request for Victims of 2nd Car Accident This Week in Tonj

Holy Spirit we invite you to come and intercede on our behalf and stir hearts to pray for our clinic staff, survivors and families of those who died.

Another car accident. This time head on at high speed with two full land cruisers. Both drivers were killed intantly along with 14 others just 20 minutes from Tonj town. The survivors, 11 men, 2 women and one 3 year old boy were critically injured and brought to our clinic, the only open medical facility with professional medical staff within 100 miles. One man and the child died while being treated by our staff.

The In Deed and Truth ambulance went to the scene of the accident three times bringing victims to our clinic for assessment and treatment. It is now on it’s way to Wau hospital but will need to make 2 more trips or maybe three with those that we can not help. Pray for the driver and it’s 70 miles one way and three hours on a dirt road. The injuries are so severe we are not sure even Wau hospital will be able to assist them. It is overwhelming, please pray.

“Blessed [be] the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” – 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

One family of six traveling together lost four people. It is so sad. These frequent deadly collisions are too common and we ask you to intercede. Sabet has spoken with the commissioner and they plan to meet and address the need for some controls on the road. Pray for wisdom and favor as our tiny rural clinic can not cope with these large medical emergencies.

2 thoughts on “Urgent Prayer Request for Victims of 2nd Car Accident This Week in Tonj”

  1. Bible study small group, and compassionate, medical friends are praying for you all. Should you/we begin fundraising for another ambulance?
    Esco., S. Calif.

  2. Dear Lord,
    I join Laura and Terry to pray for our brothers and sisters in So. Sudan
    who are there because you called them to be the hands and feet of Jesus.  Lord would you
    equip them to help these people who have undergone such tragedy and are hurting beyond
    human help?

    Lord, would you use them to help make changes in road conditions and driving habits of
    the people there?

    Father, I pray that many would come to know you as a result of their dependence upon you
    to serve, comfort and give.

    In Christ’s name, Amen

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