Car Accident in Tonj

Our clinic is very busy since last evening after 13 patients were brought to our clinic yesterday after they had an accident. The car was coming from Rumbek to Tonj and was hired by a man named Ding. The car had a puncture and as the driver tried to control it, it overturned several times. This happened in Morol Akech in Northern Barl Ghazal near Mapel approximate 160 miles away from Tonj. These young men who were riding in the car were hired to come to Tonj to make bricks.

Our medical staff of Dr. Tom, Dennis, Margaret, Stephanie, Pritty together with Dr. Stick were alerted and they all joined hands to save these lives. Praise God for our community health workers because when they heard about the accident they came as fast as they could to give hand. Two of these patients were badly injured, one had a head fracture and the other one his hand is badly injured. Albino and I went to pray for these patients and shared shortly about God and some of them agreed to be coming to our church every Sunday and said they trust God because saved them from the accident. Five of them need to be transferred to Wau for further treatments but the rest might be discharged today or tomorrow. Please pray for these young men to be healed and to accept Jesus as their personal savior.

We thank God no one died but there is one young man missing because they were fourteen in number. Pray for these young men to be healed and the missing one to be found. Also we have surgeries going on with Dr Stick and the team, please pray for God’s divine intervention in these two areas.

God bless you for your generous contribution and for praying for this ministry.

“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” – Ephesians 2:10

– The Tonj Team