Prayer for 7 year old rape victim

Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5

This is a verse that has really ministered to me the last few days as I have struggled with my emotions, thoughts and feelings towards the perpetrator of an unthinkable crime.  I have disciplined myself to surrender my thoughts and feelings to Jesus and allow Him to fill my cup back up to a place where I can be effective for the Kingdom.  Even after 12 years of serving the people here in Sudan nothing has prepared me for the turmoil I feel inside towards this wrongdoing.

It happened on Saturday evening when a young girl aged only 7 years was left to care for her younger siblings in her mud hut home.  

When the mother returned she could not find the girl who has hearing and speech impediments.  But soon they heard the sobbing coming from the long grass near the home.  The girl was found lying in a pool of blood.  The initial reaction was to assume some kind of animal attack but the other children kept telling that it was a man.  Our doctors were able to confirm the worst fears, it was in fact a rape.

So many thoughts have crossed my mind but mostly as a mother I feel sick and helpless in my faith.  Our senior clinical officer called me early Sunday morning to come and counsel/pray for the family and child.  Lord you will need to take over this one as I have no idea what to say or how to encourage them.

Faith comes from hearing and so I read my bible and prayed before going over to the clinic for increased faith to believe in all of God’s promises.    So many people were there with this family.  I managed to get mum, dad and child alone.  As the Lord led we wept, prayed and read the bible together.  What started as blaming each other, anger and revenge turned into a time of sorrow and mourning.  They were now in a place of being able to turn their attention on the child and not the criminal, whose identity was unknown.  We prayed for the Lord to bring him to justice and before we had finished praying we found the man had been identified and ran away.  We are praising God for this as it is now only a matter of time before he is caught.

Would you please pray for this family, for their hearts to turn to God, to find forgiveness and to allow the authorities to represent them.  Revenge killing is normal for much less crimes than this, which is uncommon in this culture.

Pray for this young girl, that God would heal her tiny body and guard her from any infection, disease or long term damage.  Pray she would be freed and not haunted mentally from this trauma. 

I plan to visit the family home later this week, pray for me as I have struggled myself and need wisdom and love for all involved.  Sabet is still in the USA so I could use some encouragement.

Psalm 145:3 was given to me by my Heavenly Father “Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised and His greatness is unsearchable.”

Thanks for praying with us through this difficult time.

Suzy Kuj

Reaching South Sudan for Christ
In Deed and Truth Ministries


21 thoughts on “Prayer for 7 year old rape victim”

  1. Dear Lord Jesus,
    Please give Suzy your strength and your peace in the face of this enormously difficult time. Lord, I pray you would renew her as she rests completely in you. Father God we know not what to say, to do, or to think in the face of such an evil act against this precious child, but help us to surrender all our fears, worries, concerns, and negative emotions to You. Lord, bring healing and restoration. Only the Light of Your Love and Your Presence can do this.

  2. Dear Suzy,
    Im so sorry to hear about this little child of God. I want you to know that I work at a Chritian Medical Clinic in Oklahoma with a young mother of 28 who has a daughter 16. She lived at the refuge dump with her mother and child. One of her legs was totally twisted backwords from birth. The missions pastor took her under his wings and brought her to America (without her mother or her daughter) and she had 4 surgeries to correct her leg. Not long after her daughter came to the states. Im telling you this because she is one of the most beautiful woman I know. Her love and compassion is endless. Sure she bears the scars of her past but her heart has been renewed and she lives for the Lord with a magnificent smile on her face everyday. God is in the business of miracles as you so well know and He will do one here as well! Prayers are heading your way. xoxo

  3. Praying for you Suzy, this young girl and her family. It breaks my heart as I know it breaks God’s.

  4. We are getting ready to host Sabet at our potluck tomorrow night, and I know his heart is saddened by this news as are ours. Please know that we are diligently praying for you – for wisdom and discernment, and for the Lord our Abba Father to work through you to heal this little girl and her family. We pray for strength for all of you as you navigate through this difficult time! Tonj is indeed a place of MIRACLES – and where I have NEVER felt His presence more clear! He is watching over all of you and will use all of you for His glory – to share His love with the people of Tonj!
    We love you guys!

    Kathie and Mike

  5. Dear Suzy:

    My heart goes out for this young girl and for her family that God Almighty would comfort them and free them from this terrible happening.

    My heart goes out for you. It goes out in prayer for God to strenghthen you and comfort you and give you the Word that you can share with this young girl and her family.

    You encourage so many, both there and here, by your walk of faith. You, who are on the front line and see so many horrific things, are the witness that God is using to witness not only to believers, and to those who are becoming believers (hopefully this entire family through this tragic occurrence), but to the cloud of those who are watching from the heavenlies and know that judgement is coming on them.

    May the Lord guard you, and guide you, and gift you, and gird you for the calling He has on your life. Thank you Father for doing all these things for Suzy and Sabet and their ministry Lord, in Jesus Name we pray.

    Your friend in Christ,


  6. Dearest Suzy,

    God heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds! (Psalm 147:3) Praise be to the Lord who identifies with our sorrows. Know this precious child, her family, the community, her assailant, and you are in our prayers. May you and the family find rest as the Almighty steps in and rescues you all.


    Michael and Nancy

  7. Dearest Suzy,

    I am praying for you that despite the dark circumstances that the Lord fills you with peace, love and a spirit of forgiveness of this man’s heinous sin. As much as our hearts are broken, we must be mindful that God is sovereign and still on the throne! May the little girl and her family sense a special presence of the Lord as ‘The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.” Ps.34:18. And may she be healed physically, emotionally and spiritually to the fullest by the supernatural power Of our Jehovah Rapha, who is willing, ABLE, and so faithful! Even more … may our gracious Lord blot out the memory of this event entirely from her mind.

    We know that the LORD will handle the perpetrator … am praying for a greater glory to be revealed from this — that this lost soul has an opportunity to cry out in repentance and comes to know the LORD through the events that follow.

    Vanessa Castine

  8. Dear Jesus, You see beyond the trauma of this precious little girl’s rape. She was created in your image and you know her. I pray You will take over her heart, indwell it with peace and complete healing. “Let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Heb. 4:16 WE will pray for you dear Suzy and know God will intervene on her behalf, love, Ron and Betsy

  9. Suzy,
    Words cannot express my sorrow for this little child and how this will effect her for the rest of her life. I know God can turn it around though and some day in the future use this horrific incident in her life to help other girls. I have had a very hard time forgiving the perpetrator of my own abuse, starting at age 10 but God finally, after many many years, allowed me to see him as a probable victim himself, when he was a child. That doesn’t make it okay….he still did a henious crime but at the same time, I needed to have this understanding so that I could be free of the hatred I felt for him. As this man who harmed this precious little girl in Tonj needs to be brought to justice….his real justice will be given to him by our Lord. I pray also that this incident will bring shame, repentence and a true conversion to the love and forgiveness that Christ bought for him on the cross. It is despicible, no doubt about it but he is a sinner like us all and Christ’s blood will cover his sin…if only he can see himself for what he is without Christ. For the sweet little girl, I pray that she feels the love, comfort, safeness, security and eventual peace that will come through the love and support you and her family will give her. She will need to be told over and over again that it was not her fault and that she is innocent, and dearly loved.
    I love you my sister and my dear friend,
    I will be praying for wisdom for you and for just the perfect sensitivity to her needs whether it be a word, a hug, a touch or whatever. God knows her precious little heart and He will give you insight and knowledge into how to minister to her.
    Love you so much,

  10. Oh, Suzy! I cannot imagine what you must be feeling throughout this ordeal. My heart grieves for this daughter of Jesus and her family. Lord, please bring Your peace! Please bring Your healing to this child You love. Please hold this family and hold Suzy and the IDAT team close to Your self as they minister to this family. You are close to the brokenhearted! Your heart is for the oppressed! please intervene and do a miraculous work of redemption in this awful situation. Help, Lord. Please, in Jesus’ Name. Suzy, we love you all and continue to pray. You are such a beautiful picture of God’s love.

  11. A faithful friend shared recently with me a wonderful truth: “there is nothing that God cannot redeem.” I am praying that God guide everyone involved to trust Him to heal the wound but leave the scar. Our scars are God’s mark of healing on our lives and a constant reminder of His love. The greater the work He needs to do, the greater the glory He receives. I pray that the family will be drawn closer to each other with God at the core; that they will be twisted up with God like a strong cord.

  12. Dear Suzy,

    As I know, My God is an Awesome God. His stripes heal ALL wounds. HE has given you a heart for this situation and HE will speak through you to this family and little girl. It is HIS heart / voice that HE desires them to feel and hear. HE allowed her to live and she will stand with a testimony for the LORD.
    I pray for complete healing in the physical and spiritual. May every demonic spirit of darkness flee in the name of Jesus.I pray for safety and protection. I pray for unity, love and strength in Jesus name.
    You are loved Suzy
    May you remain in HOS presence

    KAthy Barry

  13. Dear Suzy,

    As I know, My God is an Awesome God. His stripes heal ALL wounds. HE has given you a heart for this situation and HE will speak through you to this family and little girl. It is HIS heart / voice that HE desires them to feel and hear. HE allowed her to live and she will stand with a testimony for the LORD.
    I pray for complete healing in the physical and spiritual. May every demonic spirit of darkness flee in the name of Jesus.I pray for safety and protection. I pray for unity, love and strength in Jesus name.
    You are loved Suzy
    May you remain in HIS presence

    KAthy Barry

  14. Dear Suzy,

    I am praying for the little girl, her family, and you. I pray that God would bring His healing to her body, mind, and soul and that His grace, peace, and comfort extend to this entire family. Encouragement for you, strong woman of faith, who calls for prayers and they come from all over the world! Praise God our Father and Jesus, His Son. They will be glorified even in the events that confound us. Let us all cling to the hope that we will see Him one day and He will right all the wrongs and wipe the tears from our eyes!

    With Love and Encouragement in the name of Christ Jesus,
    Kevin Barron

  15. Dear Suzy

    Our prayer for this girl that God will give her back strengh and complet healing , and may the Lord give you strength fill you with love that you can extanded to all those who are around you this area. Be blessed

  16. What the enemy meant for evil our Lord will use for good. He will not crush the bruised reed nor dim the lightly burning flame.

    This has been a dark day for this child and a deep burden for her mother who had to leave her children unattended for a short time; something we all have had to do as parents whether in the shower, doing laundry, etc.

    I pray for every person involved in this crime victim or purpetrator that this is the end of their old life and that salvation will come to all and every member of their household. That they will live out the command of the Lord to anger and sin not, leaving all in the hands of our Redeemer and Defender.

    I pray that the purpetrator of this terrible offense toward God (What you do to the least of these you do to Me.) will be stopped by God His way, remembering that we wrestle not against flesh and bone, but against powers and principalities and things unseen in dark places.

    I pray by the stripes of God (Isaiah 53) that this little girls body is healed in every way and is restored to the fearfully and wonderfully made work of God that she is.

    I pray for each one of us called to weep with those who weep that we consider our blessed assurance and ask the same for these.

    I pray for peace that passes understanding, joy unspeakable and full of glory, and more than we dare ask or imagine; remembering that if God is for us, who can be against us.

    The battle and the victory is, has been, and always will be in our Alpha and Omega, Our Friend that sticketh closer than a brother, Our Sovereign Savior, the Defender of our Souls, Jesus Christ our Lord whom we serve without reservation.

    Standing on the promises of God with you all for this little one that Jesus spoke of: “Suffer the little ones to come unto Me and bid them not” and for her mother’s anquish in stepping away for a brief moment from her darling little girl and younger ones (Hebrews 40:11). May this family be a bright, shining jewel in the crown of His glory as they step forth into the light of salvation and go tell the Good News entrusted to the believer.

    Hebrews 12:2 to us all as we remember our Savior, pick up our cross and follow Him. Weeping may last for a night but joy cometh in he morning.

    In Christ Alone I stand before the Throne of God and boldly ask our Daddy (Abba) for His will to be done standing on the promises of God.

    In Jesus’ Name, Amen


    P.S.: My son, now 30, said to me when he was 5: “Mom, I asked Jesus to heal me. I don’t want to be hearing impaired.” I had no words for him. Tears filled my eyes. He said: “Mom. Well, don’t you want to know what He said?” Shocked, I nodded. He said, “It’s not time yet. And besides, you can hear Jesus if you’re hearing impaired, because He speaks to you in your heart not in your ears.”

    Today he is still hard of hearing. In January 2010, he finished his Bachelor of Arts in Television and Film. I once said to him, “You can’t do that, you’re hearing impaired”.(I’m an OR/trauma nurse) He told me, I can do anything…”above what we dare ask or imagine…That’s Jesus!

  17. News of this young precious girl brought not just teary eyes, but full on tears as I continued to read your report. Perhaps or particularly since my daughter Sarah is also 7 years old and so know first hand of her vulnerability. We pray for strength, wisdom, comfort, and filling of the Holy Spirit for you as you minister to this family, and as you continue on each day. We pray particularly for this young girl, for her family, the community, and the workers at your compound for God to do miraclulous healing and so much more. We love you and will continue to keep you in prayer. Wayne, Angie, and Sarah

  18. Suzy, I thank God for you and your availability and courage to handle situations like this. We are excited about the Prayer Walk. Sunday we had David Payne from London react the apostle Paul in the AM and CS Lewis in the PM. I tried to call your Mum to invite her. Is she in Australia now? We are praying for you and your team. Love you, Virg and Bev

  19. Dearest Suzy,

    This update about is wonderful and glorious news! It’s in our weakness and our most vulnerable selves that God shows Himself strong and mighty. The healing and restoration has already begun. “You have not because you ask not.” You asked for prayer and so it is, another testimony to God’s sovereign grace. He heard from heaven and is showering the community with His blessings. I know missionaries are just people, but Suzy Q, I have always admired your tenacity, tactfulness, no-nonsense persona and…well, I could go on and on. But I know you have your moments like the rest of us. Thank you for calling out. Thank you for letting us all be a small part of God’s wonderful miracle. Thank you for keeping us posted and updated. Thank you for being you. I’m sure I speak for all when I say we love you.

    We will continue to pray for the family, community, the perpetrator, you and one another (we must always pray for more reinforcements). Our prayers also continue for this little girl to be completely healed and restored physically, mentally, and spiritually. I liked what someone said about the scars…..a sign of God’s healing and handiwork so to speak. This is so very true. I give God thanks for healing my heart in order to forgive others, but I also appreciate remembering where I came from. After 3 days in the grave, Jesus himself appeared in all his glory sporting a scar. I have a sneaky feeling God is going to use this precious child in a remarkable way someday.

    Father God, put this child on the hearts of your prayer warriors. Let us not forget this time in history when You brought us all together to steadfastly pray for this situation. Let us not forget to pray for the family as they are discipeled by Suzy and the team. Keep us faithful and diligent, holding up Suzy, Sabet and the team as you use them to do your work in Tong. Bring them joy, peace, and comfort in all things. Help them not to grow weary from doing good.

    We rejoice in what You are doing and wait with hope and expectation to hear and witness what else You have planned for all concerned. You are awesome and deserving of all our praise.

    God bless you, Suzy

    Michael and Nancy

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