Team Building!
What does it take to lead a ministry? As In Deed and Truth Ministries (IDAT) has grown ten-fold in the last few years, it has become evident we need spiritually grounded indigenous Christian leaders to carry this ministry into the future. It is our responsibility as missionaries, to prepare others for ministry, to lead through service, and to mold and shape our experiences to develop responsible and dedicated disciples. Developing leaders is so rewarding and training them to do what we do, better than we do it, is our goal for the survival and health of the ongoing mission. Working hard now to make ourselves dispensable in the future is our highest priority. Developing faith in promising young adults who can, in time, lead this mission.
2 Timothy 2:2 says, “and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.”

Our core leadership team, pastors and senior medical team took a few days to reflect on the mission and vision of IDAT and to build each other up in the Lord.

The Vision!
The mission of In Deed and Truth Ministries came from John’s exhortation in 1 John 3:16-18 to lay down our lives and love others – following Christ’s example by helping the poorest of the poor in South Sudan and bringing the hope of the Gospel through good Deeds and God’s Truth.
The vision of In Deed and Truth Ministries is to empower nationals to relieve poverty and bring hope, one household at a time.
In practice, our medical team are now leading two medical outreaches a week to CHE villages that can not easily access our hospital. They see over 150 patients at every outreach. If missionaries are available they will also attend but these outreaches happen regardless and pastors will set up a counseling and prayer station at every outreach.

Our prayer and vision is to one day have a small PHCU (Primary Health Care Unit) in every CHE village (we are currently in 59 villages) medically staffed to treat the 10 most common ailments, referring more complicated cases to our hospital. We estimate the cost to build one of these units about $10,000 and the cost to equip it with staff and medicine another $10,000 per year. Imagine a Church plant and PHCU in every village lead by our national pastors and medical teams! That is the vision of In Deed and Truth. Our Christ-centered, community development program called CHE, is already paving the way to make this a reality. If you feel the Lord is stirring you to be a part of this vision, maybe to leave a legacy in one of these villages and build a PHCU in your family’s name or in memory of a loved one, then contact me about partnering with IDAT.
Investment in Training!
IDAT has prioritized investing in educating our future leaders and equipping them for the ministry. We currently have 1 medical doctor, 2 clinical officers, 2 midwives, 1 nurse, 1 HR manager, 1 ultrasound technician, 1 x-ray technician and 1 lab technician in school. In addition to this we have 20 of our 45 IDAT pastors taking a diploma class in Pastoral Ministry! This month they completed their third of five sessions towards that diploma.

In addition to our 20 pastors being trained by Intensive Care Ministries, our own Senior Pastor Mabior Bona Bol invests his time for 3 days every month training all 45 pastors.

If you are looking for a way to get involved and to partner with IDAT and make a difference, then prayerfully consider sponsoring one of these pastors.