2022 Youth Conference!
Calvary Chapel Tonj hosted its 2nd annual youth conference themed ‘You Have Been Called!” More than 600 youth were in attendance from 20 of our village church plants. It was awesome to have our new church building ready to host this event.

It was two days of excitement with teaching from our missionaries, missionary kids, visiting team and local pastors and youth.

The worship was lively, full of dancing, jumping, singing, clapping, trumpet blowing (horn) and joy.

Then it was time to get silly and play some games! Everyone got involved and loved the games!! This was the perfect way to get youth from different churches and areas to know one another. There was so much love and laughter as IDAT staff and missionaries made fools of themselves and youth competed in teams.

Of course, we were there to share the love of God and to hear from Him through His Word.

We had breakout sessions on purity, marriage, Godliness in women and men.

The entire event was bathed in prayer for this next generation to be raised up as Godly leaders in this country.

Through generous partners who helped us fund this conference we were able to provide meals to the attendees and volunteers. During this season of food insecurity, it was a huge blessing to be able to feed so many youth. Thank you to Destinee for organizing this event with Calvary Chapel Tonj pastors and leaders.

The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of His heart to all generations. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom He has chosen as His heritage! Psalm 33:11-12
We are trusting that the seeds planted will grow and produce good fruit in this future generation of leaders and believers.
Back in July’s newsletter we shared a story of Rebekah. Ps, Mabior prayed for her as she was suffering from an intensely itchy, skin peeling condition for three years before coming to IDAT. It was so intense she was scratching herself with a knife.

We moved her into a home on the compound where she received daily medicine, skin treatments, food and love. Praising God for His leading to reach out and help her.
So good and uplifting to read. Praise the Lord and thank you for posting.