Bringing Hope through Jesus!
I’m heading back to Tonj this month with Jed, where In Deed and Truth are working so hard to provide food to the villages we are serving as a mission. We estimate 4,000 families need urgent assistance with food in our immediate area. We are also witnessing more and more pregnant and lactating mothers and children in our hospital with acute malnutrition. Our area is classed as a level 4 Emergency.

One elderly woman named Rebekah, who was suffering from a skin disease, came to us desperate and begging for food. Pastor Mabior was able to pray with her and encourage her and our team gave her medical treatment and food in the Name of Jesus. She wept and thanked us and we told her, “God loves you Rebekah, He sees you and we believe He brought you to us.”

As we endeavor to love our neighbor in ‘Deed’ and ‘Truth’. We have purchased 10 tons of food so far and distributed this to the most vulnerable in CHE villages around Tonj. We can feed a family of 10-12 people for a cost of $50 for one month. If we can do this in July and August it will sustain them until they can harvest for themselves in September. IDAT is committed to supporting this need and you can help us provide food through donations to our ‘Food Crisis’ fund.
CHE Testimonies!
I love our Community Health Evangelism Program. It equips, empowers, educates and evangelizes!!

Our CHE program is flourishing, with our dedicated Community Health Evangelists teaching 3,000 health and spiritual lessons to families around Tonj over the past month, resulting in 400 people making decisions to follow Christ. We continue to be encouraged by the constant stream of testimonies of transformation, healing and salvation taking place.

These two ladies, Rosa and Josephina, in our new CHE village of Pala had taken each other to court over a dispute and hadn’t spoken to each for 5 months. However, when they heard the story of the prodigal son, taught by Marko Wutchok our CHE program manager, they both decided there and then to forgive each other and drop the court case to the great joy of the whole community!
“All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.”
2 Corinthians 5:18-19

Akech Ajual and Abuk Aleu in Abui CHE center had been in a dispute for 7 years, and hadn’t talked or greeted each other in this time despite living in the same village. During the Abui CHE committee graduation, Akech was inspired to seek reconciliation with Abuk. They were able to forgive each other and pray together with our team, and are now living in peace, greeting each other, and even eating meals together!

We are now in 38 villages, 29 are actively using CHE and 9 are in training! We have over 1,500 CHE volunteers serving these villages. They work really hard making an average of 2,500 home visits a month! We have over 80 bible listening groups using a solar audio bible in their native tongue.

From those groups and sharing we had 1,423 decisions to follow Christ in the past three months. It is so exciting to be serving Him in this way! Thank you for your prayers!
Suzy and Sabet. I miss you both. I pray for you and your work. May our Great God supply all you need and may He Bless your work!