He Is Risen!
Easter is one of our favorite times of year when we celebrate our Risen Lord and hold a large baptism. Rosa, our stateside coordinator, was visiting us along with her daughter Katherine and son-in-law, Alex. The week was jam packed with celebrations and outreaches.
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.” – John 11:25
This year our celebrations started in our compound on Good Friday. We hosted our church and the IDAT family for an evening service where Sabet gave a message and an altar call.

We closed with breaking bread together, followed by a viewing of The Passion of the Christ movie. We estimated over 500 attended.
Easter Sunday!
Easter Sunday was filled with fun, dancing, singing and an Easter egg hunt for the Sunday school.

Three of our church plants came together to celebrate Easter. I love the way they abandon themselves in worship and praise. You can see our short videos of the singing and dancing on Instagram at @idatsudan.

After church we all came back to the IDAT compound for the baptisms. Sabet and Pastor Santino baptized 56 people.

Easter Monday!
One of the things we love to do is an outreach to the lepers colony. This year we cooked a meal for them and distributed dry food as a gift from our church. The CC Tonj ladies along with our volunteers helped with the cooking and serving.

There are over 40 families living in the lepers colony and they are completely dependent on outside help to survive. Jed organized a bucket of mangoes and some kids games for the children.

Prayer For Richard’s Family!
Richard was volunteering with IDAT for 2 months to help with the building of the new maternity ward. He died suddenly of a suspected heart attack on March 31st, just one month into his time with us. Pray for his family in New Zealand and our team who are devastated by this tragedy.
Thanks for sharing.
Keep up the “God Work”.
I am every time taken into joy when I see these amazing news and celebrations of Christ amongst our people. It is really the greatest call and mission that IDAT and other partners like Every Village is going in Tonj and across Tonj state.
Jesus said, “Harvest is large but laborers are few. Pray that the Master of the Harvest will send his laborers into the field.” The harvest of the Lord are his people called to live the life of light and to shine on others. Continue with the mission of Lord and many things will be added unto you.
You, know, when Jesus saw people (crowd) who were hungry, he asked his discilples to provide food for them. He was testing them to see their faith in the provision of God through Jesus. Jesus multiplied loaves of bread and two fish to feed more than 5000 men apart from women and children.
Peter in his 1st Letter 5:7 says that we should cast all our anxieties on him for he cares for us. Paul in Phil. 4:19 says that God provides and supplies us according to his riches in his glory through Jesus Christ our Lord. Have faith and continue is mission. In Mt. 28:18-20, Jesus commissioned us to baptize and witness to people in the triune name. Great commission is seen in what you are doing now and everyday.
We are praying. We are blessed seeing the sacrificial love and blessings. This is one of our memory verses. We pray for you all and with you. We agree with your prayers. We pray comfort and peace for Richard’s family.