CHE Testimony!
CHE is our Community Health Evangelism program currently running in three villages. Each village selects a committee to oversee the CHE program and the committee then selects suitable CHE’s from within each village to teach spiritual and physical lessons to the community. We have a group of trained trainers who teach these lessons to the committee and CHE’s. The idea is to keep the program as indigenous as possible in the villages. This allows it to be self-sustainable.

Pastor Joseph has been leading CHE training in the village of Guaria, just a few miles from Tonj. He is a pastor on staff with IDAT, graduated from our discipleship school in 2012, and overseeing the church Guaria. On a recent CHE committee training, Anguie sat to listen to the lesson. He was no stranger to Pastor Joseph, who had been sharing Christ with him for the last 3 years. Anguie saw the group of people sitting in a circle and out of curiosity sat down. Anguie, not a believer, has two wives and children who are believers, but he himself never felt a need for God. On listening to the discussion in the circle he found the topic really interesting to him. The CHE topics are holistic, teaching both physical and spiritual truths together. In this particular spiritual lesson they shared the story of the Chief who loved his people and gave his son as ransom to redeem convicted criminals. During the after discussions, Anguie asked if the story was real and where it happened.

That led to the gospel being shared but this time the Holy Spirit opened his eyes and he could clearly see how God had been trying to reach him with His love, not only for him but for His people in Guaria. At that moment he accepted the Lord as His Savior and committed to leave the worship of spirits and witchcraft and turn his life over to the living God who cares and loves His people.
On our last visit to Guaria we found Anguie already implementing CHE lessons promoting a healthy home. God is using CHE to transform lives and reconcile people to Him. We praise Jesus for Simon Anguie and his testimony which has spread throughout the village touching hearts as people hear what happened to him and how it’s changed his life.
“And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” – Philippians 2:13
Prayer Requests!
- Please pray for the Macleod family as they get resettled.
- Pray for the clinic as we face high numbers of malaria patients.
- Pray for our health and protection from malaria.
Grand Opening
It is so exciting, after so many years of praying and building, we are in the final stages of completing the new clinic, comprising of two departments, a pediatric clinic and an antenatal center. The name of our clinic is “Noah’s Place” because like the ark, we pray it will provide safety and hope for pregnant mothers and their children. Dedicated in memory of a special little boy, Noah Mower, whose short life touched so many and will never be forgotten, we pray Noah’s Place will bring life and hope to thousands of women and children in South Sudan.

Our dedication ceremony will be on Saturday 28 October, 2017. We would love to celebrate this occasion with you. We have a special charter flight from Nairobi to Tonj set up for the occasion with a limited number of seats. Please email Rosa Ewing at for more details.
It is so wonderful to see / hear of this great accomplishment.. such a great task in Jesus name.. Exciting !! The people will be so blessed..
God Bless you
Praise be to God for how He has provided abundantly!