One of the biggest challenges working in South Sudan is maternal mortality, which we still have the highest rate reported in the world. Our clinic focuses on pregnant mothers and at risk children, usually age 5 and under. Our Kenyan midwife, Annie shared this beautiful testimony of one ladies experience in our clinic.
“Ayen Makol Bol is a young mother from a village called Modol. She has been attending our clinic since September last year and all through her visits the baby presented breech. I encouraged her every visit and we prayed together for a safe delivery. She delivered yesterday though breech, we were able to conduct a safe delivery and welcomed her baby girl, Aluong Makor Manhiem, into the world.
This is the second successful breech birth for Ayen delivered in our clinic. She is a very happy mother and her faith in God has been strengthened. I told her it is God using His people in amazing ways to help her.”
If Ayen had birthed at home she would likely have died. The answer to South Sudan’s maternal mortality is qualified midwives who can prevent 90% of maternal deaths. We thank God for Annie and the rest of our IDAT clinic team, who depend on God for guidance and save lives like Ayen’s every day!
Beautiful child, and so thankful for the light and truth that shines through you and all the staff and support at IDAT. Blessings Annie as you continue to encourage, pray, and provide medical assistance and teaching to those in need.
Our men and women need to be taught advantages of ANC visits