“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” Romans 12:2 NLT
It is always a joy to watch someone’s life be transformed by the Holy Spirit, it is a very special Holy experience that can not be easily explained. Our prayer for the people of Tonj is that they would experience transformation in the same way each of us has experienced it, that would leave no doubt that there is one true and living God who continues to perform miracles every day.
Part of our outreach to the community has involved our medical clinic team reaching out to the patients through home visits. The following testimony was such an encouragement from Sham, one of our nurses on the medical team, I hope it will bless you as it blessed us.
We visited Hyzindia village to the home of Veronica Abeny and Mary Nyaruon. Veronica has three children who are under five years and Mary is an expectant mother with the first baby. With the rainy season starting, we have begun educating pregnant women who visit our clinic on ways of preventing malaria and this has raised a lot of awareness to the community around. Veronica Abeny previously had brought the children to our clinic suffering from malaria and Mary Nyaruon had visited the clinic suffering from malaria. We decided to visit the two ladies after we noted there were high cases of malaria from their village of Hyzindia. We went to visit them and gave them two insecticide treated nets. Many neighbors came and listened to the health talk and also heard the gospel. They were so appreciative to IDAT and the great work God is doing through the ministry and said it was an encouragement to the community.