The Bridge International has been a partner with us from the very early days in 2000. This month was very special as we welcomed the founder and director R. K. Ulrich to visit our work in Tonj. R.K. was on a tour of ministries and really went out of her way to make sure she got time with us, not so easy when we are living in the middle of nowhere! The Bridge has faithfully supported our pastoral workshops throughout the war, as well as the late pastor John Riack, and our current pastor training programs. It was our joy to introduce her to the pastors she has helped school and for her to actually go out to one of the church plants. Her time was short but very encouraging to us. In April 2007, during a trip around Florida, we visited and met R.K. and her husband Steve for the very first time. During that visit R.K. and Suzy chatted about the challenges of running your own non-profit. This was an area we were unsure about and the Lord used her to confirm some things in our hearts and In Deed and Truth Ministries was born!! Thanks R.K. for coming , it was such a blessing to be with you.