True christian fruits are seen when mere men chose to put their faith in Christ and in His word despite their hardship, cultures and what the world teaches them. One of the greatest hindrances to the gospel here is a culture that is so much implanted in belief in witchcraft and sorcery. The community believes in them greatly, that is their first option in case of a disaster or sickness. We know that this is idolatry, and God does not want His children to practice it.
Today we saw this change. One of the guys who has been very keen to discipleship is Peter. He is a student in secondary school, and he is born again. He has been coming to our ministry premises at IDAT every week where we spend time in the word of God. He also comes to church every Sunday for fellowship. We also pray together. His story is that of breaking away from tradition by not only embracing Christ but also His teachings.
I see him as a good example of what Paul said to the church in 1 Thessalonian 1:9b, “…and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living God”. Peter’s dad was sick two weeks ago, his brothers were planning to have their dad taken to a witchdoctor (which is kind of the norm here) but Peter said no. He suggested they take him to the hospital in Juba since that is where his dad works. Peter feared that the brothers will not take his advice since they had also taken their dad to a witchdoctor for treatment last year. He came to me asking that we pray together and ask God that his dad not to be taken to a witchdoctor. We prayed and after 3 days Peter came back with a testimony that his elder brothers had agreed to take their dad to the hospital. On Saturday March 17th, Peter came with the good news that his father was now well and had been discharged from the hospital.
This story is one among many others that we witness everyday here ay Tonj. The Bible tells us that we are not to live as the unbelievers do, Ephesians 4:17-18, 24
“This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind. Having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart…But we are to put on the new nature which is created in the likeness of Christ”.
For Peter it took courage to say NO to what was ungodly, to walk away from what the culture advocates and to follow what the Bible says.
Prayers points:
- Peter and other believers that they will continue to trust in Jesus in difficult situations and they will severe any ties with the witchdoctors and spirit masters.
- Pray for Peter’s growth and continual commitment to discipleship.
- Pray for his Dad and brothers that they will fully trust in Jesus and that they will accept Him as their Savior.
- Pray for His exams that are forthcoming in April.
- Pray that the Lord will continually use Him.
Serving Christ in Tonj,
Kibe Mwangi