Even though Agum (almost 8 years) was not able to travel with us to the UK she did stay with our very dear and precious friends, Bob and Patricia Nyanja in Kenya. There she had a massive 2 week sleepover with their 3 daughters Rahel (8), Akini (5) and Ushi (2)! Loads of fun. Here’s a picture of the gang (minus Ushi) on one of their rare get-togethers when we meet up in Nairobi.

Agum was very OK with us going and she had the option for Daddy to stay behind with her but wanted to stay with the Nyanja’s. She said she only cried once at night when she missed us so much. Seeing her after that long time just brought such a joy to my heart. Next step…adoption!
I knew I recognized some of those kiddos!! (and the restaurant!) Happy to see they still play together! Love from Congo!