Left Kampala – Sabet’s 3rd Blog

While in Kampala I avoided the crazy traffic of downtown and took advantage of the opportunity to see Abraham, one of our Ugandan staff working on construction in Tonj.  He has been in Uganda visiting his family and working on sending a truck of building supplies to Tonj.  We worked together to find the right truck.  The day was restful as well.  I was able to buy some spare parts for equiement in Tonj and some supplies to take with me to Tonj.

The highlight of the day was the Bible study that Bob (AID SUDAN) and his wife Suzy took me too.  It was a really interesting deep discussion; it was so good to be fellowshipping with missionaries in Kampala and see a bit of their social support here.  I was blessed by that and I made some new friends too.

Before leaving this morning I had more meetings regarding the truck of supplies to Tonj.  As I continued my trip I had to go through town and the traffic was so crazy I almost got scraped by a truck, thank God nothing happened and I was able to make it alive from that.  I was very tempted to use the siren to make a way, the fact I didn’t have a registration plate stopped me!!

I started my journey late from Kampala due to the meetings, and I drove north towards the border.  The second I was out of the city I was able to do a 4 hour trip before dark and now I stopped at Gulu.  I’ll continue the journey early in the morning crossing the Uganda/Sudan border and hopefully arriving in Juba before nightfall.  I would appreciate your prayers that everything goes smoothly with paperwork and safety.

I am glad to find the only internet cafe in town that serves food and free internet so I was able to speak with Suzy and the kids on Skype (love Skype) and write this blog.

Pray also for Suzy, we have been apart for a month and being alone with the kids has also not been easy.  Looking forward to seeing them all again hopefully by Tuesday.

6 thoughts on “Left Kampala – Sabet’s 3rd Blog”

  1. Hi Sabet!
    We are praying for you. It sounds like a great trip. We are praying for a great reunion for you and Suzy when you return!
    We are so blessed to see how God is using your family!
    Paul and Kathy

  2. What an adventure. I can picture it in my mind. I wish I was there with you. May God richly bless you.

  3. Hi Sabet, Glad that all is well yes the Lord is good.
    Safe journey as you continue, and the reunion with Suzy and family will be great. Lots of love to Suzy Hannah Agum & Jed from Auntie Pat and Uncle Eddie and all the family in UK

  4. Sabet, I love reading your blog and hearing about your adventure. I am to thankful you are experiencing many blessings on the way – even the green grass to have a nap during a long delay. God is good!!

    Keeping you in prayer, and your family!

    Love you all!

  5. Sabet (& Suzy),
    We are keeping track of you thru your blogs/emails and prayers. Rest assured that the angels of heaven are surrounding you. We have many people praying for you thru Horizon North County!
    He is your Deliverer and your Portion. Love you and look forward to hearing more praise reports!

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