Scary Thunder, Deadly Lightning!

Today we had another horrendous storm.  It was right over our heads when suddenly with a loud bang we realized it had hit something close to the compound.  Sure enough a little grass hut on the other side of our fence was struck, killing instantly the lady inside and burning the house to the ground.  Sabet and Albino went to the house to offer assistance, people were afraid to approach as they have many suerstitions.  This provided Sabet an opportunity to share with the neighbors and family and pray for them all.  As Albino drove the body to the family’s village the daughter of the victim shared her desire to go to the witchdoctor to understand what had really happened.  Albino shared with her the gospel and explained about God being the creator of all, even lightning and can give and take life when He chooses.  We are not to fear but to be ready to meet Him.  He prayed for her to be ready.  Pray she comes to church on Sunday.