Hilary from Tenwek

Rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn, is the scripture in Romans 12 that came to my mnd this morning.

We started today on a devotion in Luke 9:48 Your care for others is the measure of  your greatness.

 The Lord wants us to care about our neighbors (any other human being besides ourselves) to love one another. 

After devotions I walked over to the medical clinic and was interviewing a wonderful young man named Hilary from Kenya who was sent by Tenwek Hospital to help fill in the void with Doctor Tom being on a well deserved furlough.

Hilary was raised in a christian home that worked hard to raise their children up in the Lord. They also instilled in them a desire to work hard and get an education. Hilary’s brother is a doctor at Tenwek Hospital  that studied in India.

I watched him today at a very busy day at the medical Clinic treat many patients mostly young children with severe malaria.

A boy who had drank poison yesterday that Hilary treated was on his heart this morning, he went to see him this  uncertain how he d and to his surprise the boy was able to play and laugh today. Thank you Lord.    


A woman came in to give birth this morning and her baby had a suspected lung disorder.  All the staff rallied and did their best but she she was unable to breathe on her own.

Blessed by  those who tireless serve Him.

In His Love,
