Fuel Prices Soar!

Fuel prices in Southern Sudan are out of control.  Today we paid $37.50 for a gallon of petrol to run our generator, which we were blessed to even find, as many places just don’t have any even to sell us.  With our solar system out for the past 2 weeks due to a storm, we are faced with paying these ridiculous prices.  As the world’s newest nation, rich in oil reserves and only 2 week’s away from celebrating independence and yet we are in crisis.  Food continues to be unavailable or very expensive also. 

Even though we lived here during 6 years of the civil war which equally had no fuel and food during those tough years, I realized today what it must have felt like to the locals when they saw their countries resources slipping away from them and were helpless to stop it.  In church we were reminded of the power of our Living God who is able to overcome these things and has even allowed these trials to test our faith.  Doesn’t God’s Word say, “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”?  It truly is the peace of God that surpasses our understanding and enables us to perservere through the toughest times here.  As a staff, we would appreciate your prayers for contentment, perserverance and focus.  There are so many things to be thankful for despite the financial hardships surrounding us.