Please Pray for Hannah


Please pray for our precious Hannah. Yesterday she was perfectly well but this morning she came with complaints of a headache and slight fever of 100 F (37.6 C). I tucked her in our bed and went to devotions but when I returned after thirty minutes her fever had spiked to 102.6 F (39.2 C). So we gave her fever reducer, a cold washcloth and fan. The obvious next step for us here in Sudan is always to test for malaria. So we performed two lab tests, a rapid paracheck and a blood slide. Both came back negative but three hours later her fever went even higher to 103.3 F (39.6 C). With all these precautions we should have seen some small improvements. Her head is pounding and she is weak. Dr. Tom pressed on her liver and spleen, both of which were tender and a sign of possible malaria. So we are going to treat her for malaria even though the tests came back negative, which can happen when the malaria is in the very early stages.

We are asking for intercessory prayer for our daughter. Something has invaded her body and compromised her health and we are asking our Lord if He would remove all traces of this sickness. Pray for her healing, for peace in our hearts and for the Lord to be glorified through this trial. We thank our Jesus for each one of you as you pray for us and pass this onto your prayer chains.

“Then your light shall break forth like the morning, Your healing shall spring forth speedily, And your righteousness shall go before you; The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.” Isaiah 58:8