Miracle at Tenwek

“Let us not grow weary in doing good for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” Galatians 6:9

Our first week in Nairobi our family got to visit Tenwek Mission Hospital, about 3 1/2 hour drive from Nairobi.  It is run by World Gospel Mission and offers care to thousands of Kipsigis people from more than 50 years.  Suzy read a book called “Miracle at Tenwek” which is the life story of the first misssionary doctor called Ernie Steury and his wife Sue and how they began their mission work in this simple rural hospital that is now a thriving medical facility with many doctors!  The details of those early years and the challenges they faced in such a remote location are a great inspiration to us as we also face similar issues today in our rural clinic in Sudan.  Visiting Tenwek after reading the book just made everything more real and more amazing at how God has faithfully carried this mission for so many years.

We got to share our work and needs with the Community Health Program and Sabet shared at the doctors devotion.  It was emotional to see so many white coats in one room knowing Dr. Steury was the only doctor for so many years and prayed for just that. 

Sabet and Suzy sharing with community health workers


Kuj Family at Tenwek Community Health Program

 Suzy was able to get her eyes examined by the Tenwek Hospital Eye Team.  Please pray for them as they plan a trip to Tonj in September to perform cataract surgeries.  This will be the first time we have hosted a medical team of this caliber.

Suzy with Tenwek missionary eye surgeon Dr. Cropsey
Sabet sharing devotions with the Tenwek doctors