Aker’s Story by Stacie Larsen

Today Aker came to church with her two children, Ayen and Malok. She came to the clinic last week and talked with George, our lab technologist. When he noticed her children were wearing charms from a witch doctor, he discussed with her the dangers of witch craft and the hope we have in God and got her permission to cut the charms off. Then he advised her to come to church for prayer and to learn more about Jesus. He was excited when he saw that she had come and asked Amy and I to meet with her. (Translation assistance provided by Albino.) We told her God is far more powerful than the witch doctors. The witch doctors harm people, but God wants to give her hope and see her prosper. We told her about Jesus and were thrilled when she asked Him to be her Lord and Savior. Ayen, another lady who came to know Jesus after a similar conversation with George, was also at church. It turns out she and Aker are neighbors and know each other well. We suggested they meet with each other for prayer and help each other stay strong when people advise them to return to the witch doctors. Then we encouraged them to keep coming to church and get baptized.

Praise the Lord for the work being done in the clinic. Suzy always says we are not here for a band aid. We are here to show the people the love of God and the hope they have in Jesus Christ.