Category Archives: Newsletters

December 2024 Newsletter

Women’s Christmas Tea!

It was a joy and honor to share at Horizon Church’s Women’s Ministry Christmas Tea, reflecting on the incredible journey God has led me through over the past 28 years.

Suzy Sharing Her Testimony and Ministry

From the unexpected twists of heartbreak to the resilience He built in my calling, I shared the story of how He transformed my life “from Madame to Missionary.” My hope was to inspire the women in attendance to see that no matter where they’ve been or what they’ve faced, God can redeem every story and use anyone for His purpose. God is faithful and we can trust in His promises.

Suzy’s Family attended her presentation

CHE Ministry Update!

What a year it’s been for CHE (Community Health Evangelism)! Thanks to your support and prayers CHE is now running in 94 villages, with our team of over 5,000 volunteers bringing health training, Christ-centered community development and the hope of the gospel to around 100,000 people each month.

Suzy and CHE’s in the village of Babur

Our medical outreach team has this year provided medical care to over 10,000 vulnerable children and pregnant mothers. Over 10,000 people have this year made commitments to follow Christ through personal evangelism and Jesus Film outreaches. Churches have been planted in 40 villages, 12 new boreholes have been drilled, 25 village schools opened, and 57 CHE Community farms have fed many widows, orphans, and disabled people.

CHE Training in the Villages

Every CHE village has to have a committee overseeing the CHE volunteers. This month we held a graduation for 10 CHE committees celebrating over 200 CHE volunteers graduating. At every graduation the village chief, elders and community members, as well as IDAT leaders and pastors.

“Make me to know your ways, O LORD; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long.” Psalm 25:4-5

The appreciation and engagement from the communities at these graduations reflect the strong partnership between each village and In Deed and Truth Ministries.

Graduates from the CHE Village of Alur

But there is still so much Kingdom work left to do, with over 100 villages currently on our waiting list, each village desperate for the gospel and CHE. Would you consider making a year-end donation towards a CHE village to help us reach these communities in 2025?

Vision Trips to Tonj in 2025!

Are you ready to step out in faith and experience the transformative power of serving others? Join us on a mission vision trip to South Sudan in June or October 2025. This trip is more than just an opportunity to witness the fruits of In Deed and Truth’s efforts; it’s a chance to support our ongoing projects, engage with our CHE villages, and see firsthand how God is bringing hope and restoration to this region. Pray about joining us as we partner with South Sudan in faith, love, and action!

As we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ let us remember the hope He offers to all who surrender to Him.


November 2024 Newsletter

Women’s Conference!

Last month we distributed food to a community of Muslim refugees that fled the fighting in north Sudan. We invited them to attend our one-day women’s conference at our church and more than 100 of them came.

CC Tonj Women’s Conference

This powerful women’s event served as a bridge of unity and understanding, where women from different walks of life came together to learn, share stories, and experience the message of Jesus’ love and hope. Our topic was “What does it mean to be a Proverbs 31 woman?” Missionaries Sarah, Suzy, Destinee and Laurie each taught a session, with breakout sessions in between. Over 600 women attended, and the day was filled with inspiring testimonies, heartfelt prayers, and moments of genuine connection.

Suzy & Laurie at Women’s Conference

Proverbs 31:29-31 “There are many virtuous and capable women in the world, but you surpass them all! Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised. Reward her for all she has done.”

A New Ministry!

We’re delighted to share that we have started a new ministry. As we shared that we hosted our first women’s conference at the church. The day before this conference we did a food distribution specifically for refugee women who had fled the civil war in Sudan (north). We had many Arab women come for this food distribution and we invited them to the conference.

Food Distribution

We were thrilled to have around 100 ladies join us. Our senior pastor’s wife told us that three of the women prayed to receive Christ. Throughout the conference we bonded with these ladies and sought ways to see how we could minister to them further. This is how we found out that the majority of them would like to learn English. We agreed to teach them English if they agreed to allow us to teach them the gospel and just like that, 84 women signed up! This is how our new ministry was birthed. We have begun our English classes and what’s even better is we have now had two occasions to share the gospel with these ladies, which is the key part of this ministry.

Sarah Teaching the Arab Ladies

Men’s Conference!

This month we held a Men’s conference at CC Tonj!  We called it, “Every man is called to be a leader!”  We created topics to share among the Pastors and male leaders and divided the time.

CC Tonj Men’s Conference

The Conference was opened by our own Field Director, Albino Dut. The first session was from Pastor Mabior who spoke on “leading the Church”. The second session was by Pastor Santino Bak on “leading in the community”. The third session was done by Missionary Michael Herzinger on “a Faithful man”. The fourth session was led by Pastor Joseph Kuol and called “leading the family”. The final session was led by Missionary Ben Beard entitled “A Humble man”.

Breakout Sessions

We had a very enjoyable fellowship with around 300 men from the church.  Communication about each topic was encouraged for 45 minutes afterwards during the breakout sessions and was animated and exciting. We are looking forward to seeing much fruit from this venture and we were bombarded with requests to do this every year.  Amen!

October 2024 Newsletter

Leader’s Conference!

In South Sudan, a nation rich in culture and history but also scarred by conflict and division, the role of effective leadership cannot be overstated. This last month our national team of leaders gathered together in Wau, the second largest city in South Sudan. The purpose was to welcome Nathan into the team, revisit the vision of In Deed and Truth Ministries and to equip them with the mindset and faith necessary to lead with integrity, unity, and purpose.

A group of leaders sitting at a table sharing a meal together.
IDAT Team Leaders In Wau

Every sector of our ministry was represented by our Field Director, Medical Director, CHE manager, Bible School Director, CC Tonj Senior Pastor, Finance Director, Church Plant coordinator, Missionary Support Specialist, and Infrastructure coordinator. We also invited our missionaries, and new Executive Director as we focused on nurturing and empowering this next generation of South Sudanese leaders for our ministry.

A group of leaders sitting at a meeting table
IDAT Leaders’ Conference

They are the future and it is our heart to equip them with biblical principles that foster humility, resilience, and servant leadership, all essential for navigating the pressures and responsibilities, with the continuance and growth of IDAT long-term.

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19

Ongoing Food Distribution!

Our ministry, by God’s grace and with the support of faithful partners, has been actively involved in providing food to both the internally displaced people (IDP’s) within our region and the muslim  refugees from Khartoum. We believe this is a critical moment to live out our calling to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those in desperate need.

A group of people standing in front of a hut
IDP’s from Tonj East

Our maternal waiting homes are full of IDP’s that ran away from the tribal fighting in Tonj East. One woman had seven children killed and her 8-year-old daughter came with her who was also shot but survived. Another mother we are caring for was running with her 2-month-old twins. Her 10-year-old daughter was carrying one twin and she was carrying the other. As they fled gunshots, the daughter and twin were both killed. These women came to Tonj town but have no shelter or food.

A couple of women with headscarves lifting a bag of food.
Refugees from Khartoum receive food

360 bags of food (18 tons) were distributed to the refugee community that fled fighting in Khartoum.

September 2024 Newsletter

Update on the Food Crisis!

South Sudan continues to grapple with a worsening food crisis, as the impact of tribal unrest, unpredictable weather patterns, and economic instability deepens. Over 7 million people, more than half the population, face severe food insecurity, with many areas still at risk of famine. Our town and the surrounding area have not received any aid from the World Food Program or other aid agencies and In Deed and Truth Ministries (IDAT) has been their only hope. As we share the food we share the truth, that we get our hope from Jesus.

“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13

A group of men unloading sacks from a truck
More trucks of food arrive

A government representative in Tonj was very happy when he witnessed the relief food distribution to refugees from North Sudan. He announced to the town that only In Deed and Truth Ministries who are doing food distribution in Toni South and Mapel, while other Non-Government Organizations are doing nothing this year to help.

So far we have bought and delivered 120 tons of food, feeding 19,000 people! Even though these numbers sound impressive we are only giving enough food to prevent starvation. Please keep praying we have one month to go.

A group of people sitting in chairs
Distribution to refugees

New Water Well Partnership!

Over the past 3 years, our IDAT team has facilitated 12 new water wells in our CHE villages. This has provided safe drinking water to thousands of people throughout Tonj who previously had been drinking contaminated surface water.

A group of men working on a construction site
IDAT Team complete a new well

These wells have had a life-changing impact in each community, however, our team is already stretched to capacity planting churches, caring for the sick in our mission hospital, and establishing Community Health Evangelism (CHE), so we have not been able to keep up with the needs. This year we started a new water well partnership with another ministry in South Sudan called Every Village, which recently purchased a powerful drilling rig. IDAT conducted community surveys, identified CHE villages in desperate need of safe drinking water, held community meetings, and shared the gospel.

A group of people working on a construction site
Every Village Partnership with IDAT

We also purchased the core materials required for the water wells such as hand pumps and pipes. The villages each raised $400 to contribute toward material costs, this provides ownership and investment in the need, breaking decades of unhealthy dependence. They also pay a subscription to the Every Village Well Maintenance Program to ensure the well continues operating effectively.

A group of men getting water from the new well
One of twelve new wells

Every Village used their new rig to drill down to depths of 40-70m to reach underground aquafers of pristine water, and then installed the pipes, handpump and concrete pad to enable each of these villages to bring this pristine water into their homes.

A group of people standing around a water pump
Villagers enjoying their new well

We are grateful to Every Village for their partnership; and to each of you – our IDAT supporters whose donations have made these water wells possible. It is great when God’s people work together to bring His Kingdom!

August 2024 Newsletter

Food Crisis Response!

We have had an incredible response to the food crisis appeal we sent out last month. Every year, South Sudan faces a severe food crisis between the months of June and October. Some years are worse than others. This year, In Deed And Truth Ministries have had people brought to our doorstep who have been found unconscious due to severe hunger.

As Mark 8:3 says, “If I send them away hungry to their homes, they will faint on the way; for some of them have come from far away.”

Mother and child come for food

This lady represents thousands of women and children currently in South Sudan. Desperate, afraid, helpless, without hope and food, slowly witnessing the deterioration of her child’s health and not being able to do anything about it. She is one of many we have been able to support, and we thank God they found us and we invite you to join us in praying for them

This heart-breaking image is one of many that moved us to put out a ‘call to action’ to fundraise for food distribution among our Community Health Evangelism (CHE) villages. It was reported that 70 of the 85 villages were in desperate need of food but since then we have 76 villages currently registered with us for food. That’s an estimated 12,000 people and over 75 tons of food. The estimated amount to raise was $150,000 goal and we had faith that God would provide above and beyond this amount. It is with great joy that I announce the total giving to be $193,093.14 at the time of writing this newsletter. Most of this was raised within three weeks of sharing the food crisis with our partners!! This ‘extra’ amount will easily enable us to feed all the extra villages, and help some of the 17,000 refugees currently in Tonj displaced from the civil war in North Sudan. God is so good!

Villagers picking up bags of food.
Food Distribution in the CHE Villages

“Great is God’s steadfast love towards us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord!” Psalm 117:2

Suzy in Southern CA

My trip to Southern California was amazing. Thank you to everyone who hosted gatherings for me to share my testimony. I pray my story inspired and touched many hearts and especially those that might be struggling and needing hope. The Lord is faithful and never leaves us or forsakes us. Thank you for introducing new friends to In Deed and Truth Ministries. As our ministry has exploded in the last five years we have needed to expand our donor base. Thank you to everyone who gave so generously to our ministry during this trip. I am so blessed by the outpouring of love and support.

Suzy sharing with a home group in CA

One of the blessings for me personally was being asked by Horizon Church Women’s Ministry to be the speaker at their annual Christmas Tea. This event will be on December 8th and 9th. Please let me know if you would be interested in attending.

As I focus more on fundraising and making new connections stateside, I ask you to pray for me and for the Lord to open doors of new opportunities for me to share. If your church does not currently support IDAT, please pray about making that introduction for us. This is one of the ways you can help support our ministry.