Category Archives: Ministry

Pastor Santino Facing Opposition

Baptism at Malony
Baptism at Malony

Santino Back is one of the recent graduate pastors from our Bible school. He is pastoring a church in the village of Maloney.

He has been living in the village now for over 6 months.

A few days ago, as he shared the gospel with a group of Dinka men in the village (elders), the men became so upset with him because he was sharing the gospel message. The men of the village started to tell him he is not from their village they don’t have to listen to him, and they don’t like his message, the message of the gospel, because it is contradicting to the Dinka way of life and their tradition. They’d like to stay in the worship of idols and ancestral spirits.

They started to insult him and tried to provoke him. Santino remained calm, even though they were threatening that if he doesn’t leave the village, they might harm him.

That happened while Dr. Tom was seeing patients. When they came back, during devotions they asked all of us in the compound to pray for Santino; he is facing a big opposition and we don’t know if the men are going to attack him as they have threatened him.

The whole staff at our devotion prayed earnestly for Santino. Pastor Judah, who is the chaplain at the clinic, shared a story of how he had faced the same opposition in the past. When they were evangelizing a certain village, they were marching, singing songs, praying and proclaiming the gospel message; then one man was furiously opposed them, threatening to spear them if they stepped on his property.

Then the Lord rebuked that man in his heart that night and he couldn’t sleep for the next few nights. It bothered him until he had to return to the pastors who were doing the evangelism and beg them to come and visit his house, apologizing and saying that God rebuked him in his heart that night and showed him he was mean against God Himself. The pastors went and shared the gospel in his house and he was saved along with his household. Everyone at the devotion was very encouraged by that real story.

Some of our staff started to come with suggestion on how to win the village over to Christ, one person suggested for Santino to do a house-to-house prayer walk and every house that accepts them they bless the house with the word of God and the seedlings of a mango tree. Like a tree grow by care from the owner, so is the faith they have put in Jesus like a tree; if they keep Jesus commandments and stay in fellowship with God and the brethren, they will grow and be fruitful like a mango tree. That was so neat because there are two blessings for the village here, the first is the Word and the second a physical one, a Mango tree.

I called Santino to encourage him and see if he is in any danger, but Santino was quick to say he was very happy to be opposed like His Lord Jesus who was opposed and persecuted. “It’s my joy to be insulted and threatened for His name’s sake”, Santino added. He felt the Lord was still leading him to stay even with the difficulty that he is facing.

This week I had the honor to visit Santino to encourage him and also to encourage the church he has started in Malony. I was encouraged very much when I saw how the church, what the Lord is doing among the members, the love they have for each other, the way they worshiped in a beautiful Dinka worship song. Some of the church members are teachers of the primary school and some are the students, some young mothers of the community and even one elderly person that gave his life to Christ recently.

I had the opportunity to celebrate a baptism with them, the first baptism since the church was started. An incredible group of young mothers and teenagers declaring publicly their faith in the Lord Jesus and committed themselves to the new way of life that Jesus offers to them.

Please continue to pray for Santino safety as he continue to pastor the Church in Malony. Pray for the upcoming prayer walk in the coming weeks for the strong hold walls of Malony to be brought down like the walls of Jericho.

Pray for the church to continue to grow and be fruitful, especially as they start CHE in the village.

Pastor Santino (left) , Mary being baptized (center) and Sabet (right)

Mary being baptized by Pastor Santino and Sabet

Mary being baptized by Pastor Santino and Sabet

More Shootings – MAF Medevacs!

Written by Suzy Kuj

Pastor Judah Praying for Lual
Pastor Judah Praying for Lual

“Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge.” – Psalm 62:8

Lual Mawar is 25 years old and lives about 4 hours walk from Tonj in a village called Thon. He is married to one wife and has a small child.

Yesterday afternoon, while tending to his cattle in the camp, he was shot. The cattle raider sprung from a bush and shot him at close range and stole 55 cows.  Lual lay on the ground helpless for more than 4 hours. Eventually a boy found him and raised the alarm. A passing motorbike carried him to Tonj where he arrived late last night and was admitted into our clinic.

Last night, while our staff gathered for prayer night, we were interrupted by the guard to come and tend to Lual. On examination the doctors were skeptical if Lual could survive. He had lost a lot of blood and the bullet had entered through the chest and exited, leaving him with one collapsed lung. He was having severe pain and blood loss. Some of us remained in the compound and prayed while the others ministered to the patients physical needs and also prayed over him.

This morning we were surprised even to find this young man alive and sitting up. Pastor Judah, recently graduated from IDAT’s Discipleship Training Center, lead prayer over him and explained to Lual how the Lord Jesus loves him so very much and spared his life so far. He asked him about his faith and the time he spent laying on the ground after he was shot. Lual said he thought he was going to die and was so scared. We prayed with him and he asked forgiveness for himself and vowed not to retaliate this offense.

Ater shot in the arm
Ater shot in the arm

After praying we explained that as he had survived the night the next step was to get him to a medical facility where they could truly assist him long term. We all agreed Wau hospital was also limited in what it could do to help him. While we contemplated this another man, Ater, was brought in from the same cattle raid last night. He had endured a night in the bush with a gunshot wound to the upper arm shattering his humerus bone. He walked to the clinic to get help.

Both of these cases needed advanced medical care beyond what was available to us. We notified the relatives that evacuation was necessary and asked them to gather money in preparation. Suzy contacted MAF to see if any flight was in the vicinity and could divert to collect the patients and take them to Juba Training hospital. Unfortunately, the victims were not in a position to collect money as home was so far. MAF confirmed there was in deed a flight available but we were not able to help due to lack of funds on the ground. The last thing we wanted was for the patients to reach Juba and be stuck with no money. So we were about to cancel the medevac when the commissioner called Sabet and vowed to contribute money to the cause, this in itself was a miracle and the timing was perfect. This promise meant we were able to move forward and immediately called MAF and rescheduled the pick-up. Both patients were carried to Juba with MAF’s assistance.

Pray the seeds of faith planted would be watered and take deep root in their hearts. Already we are seeing the repercussions of retaliation, just one hour after the medevac a man arrived with a gunshot wound to his face. There is no exit wound and he is in severe shock and pain.  Our understanding is he was trying to get back the cows that were stolen.

We ask for prayer for him as well as protection over our staff as they tirelessly work to serve this community. Jesus, our Prince of Peace, has spoken and said “peace be with you.” We have full confidence in His presence and ability to give us strength to endure each difficult case.

Without MAF we could not complete our work, fly in our medical staff, medicines, missionaries, food and supplies and fly out these frequent emergencies.

Thank you MAF for your generous support.

CHE 3 and the start work of community tranformation

CHE participants presenting a song

CHE TOT 3 (Training Of Trainers) marked the end of the first year of teaching the CHE program  this year. This time we were blessed to have Dr. Philip and Dr. Rick both from WGM leading the training.

We have enjoyed and learn a lot.  The inspiring teaching of Dr. Phillip, for sure made the participants challenged and inspired as they were being commissioned to select the committees in their areas for the trainings that they will lead themselves.

The CHE Trainers were given more tools in these sessions, to enable them to start this great work in the villages. Some of the tools are how to put the messages in Songs and use stories to deliver the messages, leading the teaching of some of the topics themselves and many other tools.

One thing was a clear great blessing is to hear the testimonies that they brought back from the seed projects they have done in their home villages.

This time I heard story from this quite lady from the Kulu villages her name is Mary. Mary doesn’t say a lot, most likely because of the language barrier; She is a lou tribe from Western Baher ELgazal State.  Most of the participants are Dinka except her groups of 4 people.

The Seed project they have done this time was to go and clean the Market from the Plastic bottles and plastic bags, and make a Trash pit, while they were doing that they have also brought a Tipy Tap for washing hands and they were showing the use of it and the importance  of wash hands. People start gathering around them to see why  they were cleaning the market, others joined in because they were inspired by the CHE group imitative.

In one occasion the market traders contributed free drinks of Soda and water to the 4 CHE Trainers. At the End of it Mary says, this guy who used to be part of the church and a believer was touched by what he saw, he shared with them that how he felt God’s convictions in his heart, because of the cleaning work they have done in the market, he continue to say, now I have to go back to the Church and be part of Gods family again.

To Hear this from quite Mary is a testimony in itself, I never expected her to understand or to put in right way I had little faith in her, but I was proved wrong and God works in amaising ways. That from the testimony she shared she has shown she got what is CHE is all about and it wasn’t just about community cleaning project but it was sharing the gospel through these simple seed projects and I told myself if Mary gets it then there is a huge hope in the horizon for the whole group, Mary got the holistic approach. My prayer is that CHE will work transforming people lives physically and spiritually and we will be hearing awesome testimonies in the near future.

Dr. Phillip sharing a lesson with the CHE group
Dr. Rick in a session

Ayak Passed Into Eternal Glory

Written by Suzy Kuj

Sweet precious 14 year old Ayak has been a part of our daily lives for the past 4 months. She’s the young girl we medevac’d to Tenwek Mission Hospital back in July with a tumor on her forearm. After amputation we discovered the cancer had metastasized and her prognosis was bleak. Sabet had an opportunity to share with her about Jesus Christ dying for her sin and she prayed with Sabet to receive the Lord Jesus as her personal Savior. That gave us great comfort as we pursued further treatment for her but doors kept closing as she got weaker and sicker. Her family chose for us to return her home to South Sudan in September where her condition deteriorated quickly and she became an inpatient at our clinic needing full-time medical assistance. The last few weeks have been agonizing to watch as she has found little comfort and relief from the pain. The Lord has been so sweet to each one of us, bringing encouragement to us as a staff and to Ayak through many visitors this past month. Each visitor has been touched by this young girl and her story. Her own family has not been around very much and she was spending a lot of time alone. It’s hard to see someone suffering and our prayer was for complete healing or the Lord to have mercy and to take Ayak to Him quickly. Listening to her cries ring through the compound every time she was moved was so difficult to hear and yet the Lord asks us to bear with one another’s burdens.

The Kuj Family Praying for AyakAs we waited on the Lord’s will we felt an urgency to get her out of the gloomy crowded observation room that had become home to her. Yesterday we choose to have a bedside vigil throughout the day so she would not be alone and to help her. Each staff took one hour to be with Ayak, praying and talking and encouraging her. Today we managed to get her into a wheelchair and I offered to sit with her while I homeschooled Hannah in the garden. We drank ice tea and I rubbed lavender lotion on her body. Even though she had hardly spoken in days she told Awad she liked being outside. It really was a beautiful day, shady under the Neem tree, birds singing, cool breeze rustling the branches. While Awad and I were tending to her she transitioned from being fidgety and uncomfortable to being peaceful and sleepy. Five women relatives (never happened before) stopped by to greet her. They saw Ayak asleep and after 10 minutes asked to leave and come back later. I felt an urgency to pray with them before they left and asked Awad to translate the prayer. The prayer in my heart was for them to understand our Lord’s mercy and love. Ayak’s body was failing but her spirit was healthy and needed to move on. When we finished praying some were weeping, all thanked me and left. I positioned a small fan on Ayak’s lap to help keep her cool and sat watching her sleep peacefully. Just a few minutes later she slipped into the arms of her Lord and Savior. Though she is absent from her body we are confident she is present with the Lord, no tears, pain or cancer.

Our prayer is for her family to have that same peace. Also for Hannah who was with me today, was so touched by Ayak’s life and was with me when she passed away. Hannah has seen many tragedy’s while we have been in South Sudan over the years. She has a sensitive heart and this is one more encounter. She showed great maturity as she thanked the Lord for His mercy and grace but I know this has really effected her. Pray for our staff that have served Ayak around the clock, everyone is feeling the loss. She was part of our daily lives for so long.

Thank you to all who prayed and gave their time and money to help her. What we gave Ayak was the love of Jesus and that’s the very reason we are here.

Pray for Ayak


By Ted Miyaki

Ayak. I met her with the team, the first day in the compound. A beautiful slender girl of 13, with an angelic face. Her right arm was recently amputated at the elbow – bone cancer that went untreated. Many have prayed for her and visited her. Yesterday, after the entire team and local staff went to the clinic to pray for her, I stayed by her side with “Mama Nini” (Dena). Ayak was in constant pain, moaning, and saying it hurt. The medications are limited in effectiveness. We prayed more, sang to her and caressed her. She placed my hand on the swollen her right arm and motioned for me to stroke it. That seemed to help her. What a heart break.

Early this morning, before sunrise, around 4.30, I heard Ayak’s distinctive little voice crying out from the clinic. Sound carries far in the compound with open windows and doors. Dinka children rarely cry out like that, so I knew it had to be her. I was compelled to go over and see her. More heart break. By the time I arrived, she had been calmed down by the elderly security guard and was hunched over in a chair, rocking and moaning with pain. The overnight health worker eventually gave her a pain killer injection, the pain of which also terrified her. I held her and she squeezed my hand as the dose was administered. Thankfully, she agreed to lay down and rest after that. Please pray for Ayak as we seek a way forward. Lord Jesus, have mercy…