Category Archives: Medical Clinic

Prayer request

“When he heard this, Jesus said, ‘This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s son may be glorified through it.'” John 11:4

Ayak was diagnosed of a bone tumor (cancer of the bone) on her right hand through an x-ray in a private clinic in Juba on February year 2010. She was then referred to Uganda, but due to inability to meet the cost of the treatments in Uganda they had to be bring her back home, which she stayed at home with this illness for a period of one year, seven months.

She was brought to the clinic due to pain and swellings. Ayak comes from a family of eleven three sisters and six brothers. She had been going to school and she should be in the third grade. She also told me that she dropped out of school because of the illness. But she is a bright and courageous girl.

She had been admitted in our clinic for a week now. At the clinic she is given supportive treatments, pain management and antibiotics.

The swelling and pain is getting worse and she needs to go to Kenya for further treatments.

The complications are anaemia due to loss of blood, and she is also psychologically disturbed. The major worry she have is amputation. We have plans of flying her to Kenya tomorrow. Please pray this plans to succeed, God’s provision in terms of finances, God to give her strength and courage and bring healing to her.

Medical Clinic Update


“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me’.” – Matthew 25:40

Some of our medical staff went on vacation to Kenya. Our missionary Doctor Tom also went to the states for a period of three months to rest. We thank God for the addition of one nurse midwife Loise and Hillary from Tenwek who came to cover Dennis for three weeks.

AyakThe clinic yesterday was extremely busy, during lunch hour they had seen over seventy patients and about fifty were still in the queue. By God’s grace, Doctor Rozzi arrived in the compound in the afternoon. We thank God so much for him as he will be covering Dr Tom for a period of three months.

Many cases reported yesterday were malaria and most of them being emergencies  about 134 patients were seen. An expectant mother visited our ANC. Achan Kuot 23 years old had been visiting the ANC since last year and she had been having complications with her pregnancies. yesterday she visited the clinic and the midwife examined her.

She is 32 weeks gestation and she was diagnosed with placenta praevia, meaning bleeding during pregnancy. Nothing could be done except to refer her to a bigger hospital. She was referred to Wau with our ambulance for further treatments. Please pray for God’s healing and protection over her pregnancy.

A girl of twelve years was brought to our clinic. Ayak Majok was diagnosed with the cancer of the bone on her right hand earlier in Juba Hospital which is the biggest Hospital in South Sudan with good medical facilities and equipments. Due to lack of finances from her family, she had been suffering with this sickness for over a year and her family decided to bring her to our clinic for help.

Ayak may be required to be taken to Nairobi for surgery or further treatments. Please pray for her for God’s healing and God to make a way to get to Nairobi before it is too late.

We thank God the roofing of our new clinic is complete. The constructors are still working on the wall and within a short period of time the clinic will be complete. Soon we will have a bigger clinic and so many people will get help. We are trusting God for provision of equipments and facilities so that many people will get help in the clinic without getting transferred to Wau Hospital or Juba.

Deliveries In The Clinic


“But he lifted the needy out of their affliction and increased their families like flock.” – Psalm 107:41

We came back on 15th June so Many cases of premature deliveries had occurred in the clinic. Our new nurse midwife Loise had conducted two premature deliveries. It was on Friday 6th when a mother of 25 years was brought to the clinic. She had delivered while on her way coming to the clinic. The baby weighed 2.3kg and she was born premature and had blue extremities.

She was kept in the oxygen concentrator. I went and prayed with the mother. The baby was not improving on Saturday. On Sunday the child was still not improving though she was not using the oxygen concentrator. On Monday morning Praise God the baby improved miraculously and the mother was discharged in the afternoon.

A girl of 15 years was brought today to the clinic in labor. Aliai Chol Dut was brought in the morning and the midwife Annie examined her and noticed she was not dilating. Annie took 2 hours to see if she will improve but she did not. Aliai was impregnated by a man and after knowing that she was pregnant he ran away. This family must have loved this girl because she was accompanied by her grandparents, dad aunties and other relatives.

The relatives who brought her in the clinic are people who know God. I found them praying for her. I also asked them if I can pray for her and they agreed to pray together with me. At around 2pm I went over to the clinic and Annie told me that Aliai needed to be referred to Wau Hospital because she feared complications, this is because the girl is still young. I know God have a special plan for the girl and her baby. I pray that she will have a safe delivery in Wau we leave her in the hands of God. Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord…”

Another mother was brought to the clinic in the afternoon. Asunta Michael 25 years was  in labor and when the midwife on duty examined her, she was having a feotal distress. Asunta was being treated for malaria five days ago in our clinic and she was still unwell. She was also referred to Wau and we are praying for God’s protection over them.

Please pray for the mothers who visit our ANC and pray that there will not be any more premature deliveries in our clinic in Jesus name.

Road Side Delivery

“And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;” – Ephesians 6:17-18

It was on Sunday night around 12:30 a.m. when a woman in labor was brought to our clinic and she was expecting twins and needed to be taken to Wau hospital but unfortunately the midwife on duty could not reach the driver. Samuel prayed for her and by divine providence there was somebody who knew our driver’s residence and somebody else who could ride a motorbike to take him there.

While on the way to Wau the lady delivered a baby girl. Something interesting one of our Community Health Workers (Peter Malock) who accompanied her was the midwife! It looked like the other baby was not coming out and they proceeded with the journey. After a few bumps and more labor and by the grace of God he delivered the second baby, a boy.

They decided to come back to our clinic though the woman was still bleeding. By a strange turn of things the mother appeared to be very hostile with our medical staff. She completely refused any medical procedure to be done to her despite the fact that she was breeding a lot. Peter took a bike to get her husband and when he came back to the clinic he did manage to convince his wife.

Finally Albino decided to take her to the government hospital but they refused to admit her arguing that she was coming from better medical staff. He had to drive her home, pray for the family and hope for the best.

Please pray for the people in South Sudan to be delivered from witchcraft and God to give them knowledge that this is one of the lies of the devil. Some patients are being ‘discharged’ by their relatives so as to go for ‘further’ treatment from the witchdoctors. Samuel tried the gospel message on one man suffering from bacterial dysentery but his relatives soberly rejected waiting on Jesus to go and try out some sorcery.  However, we thank God for the ninety per cent or so who are saying ‘yes’ to the Lord. I wish there was a way to follow them up to deepen their faith in the word.


Praise Report

“But the God of all the grace, who hath called us into his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stabilish, strength, settle you.” – 1 Peter 5:10

Alet Wol Mathiang was brought to our clinic two weeks ago bleeding heavily and about eight months pregnant. On the same day she was rushed to Wau hospital with our ambulance as she had to have a caesarian delivery. Alet needed blood transfusion urgently because she had lost a lot of blood and praise God one of our nurse midwife Auxillia happened to be of the same blood group. Without hesitation she agreed to donate blood to Alet.

Unfortunately the baby was born dead but the Alet lived and came to the clinic today looking bright and healthy. She was accompanied by her husband and they expressed gratitude to God and to In Deed and Truth Ministries for having provided a way for her to get the operation. We prayed for them and urged them to be committed to Christ who gives life and is able to give her another child.

Another woman brought her child to the clinic that was having trouble breathing and had to be put on an oxygen machine. Samuel and the team prayed for the child and he stabilized so dramatically that his mother put him on the breast to suck while the oxygen tubes were still in his nostrils. The oxygen machine was soon removed.

The child was having charms around his neck and we advised the husband to cut them off and he agreed to do so. The mother was a bit anxious, perhaps not believing that the charms were of no good but after counseling and encouragement she was convinced, that the devil is a thief and not a protector.