All posts by Tyler Paulson

June 2012 Newsletter

News from the Field Staff!

Our vision is to integrate our Christian beliefs into our medical ministry. We do this by creating an atmosphere of compassion, peace and acceptance of every patient and showing the love of Christ through excellence in health care that leads to evangelism and ministry opportunities.

Samuel Ngugi is a Kenyan serving In Deed and Truth Ministries as our clinic chaplain in Southern Sudan. He is responsible for ensuring every patient is valued and given the chance to receive prayer and the Lord Jesus as their personal Savior. First thing in the morning he arranges a testimony message to the waiting patients. Most days that is over 100 people who sit patiently coming to see the doctor. Tracts are handed out in Dinka for those that can read. Many inquire what the tract is about and want to know more about Jesus.

Sabet Shares the GospelAs the patients are seen by the doctor or nurse each patient is asked about their spiritual well-being together with their physical complaints. If they are wearing charms from a witchdoctor they are encouraged to go for prayer and counsel with the chaplain, Sabet or Albino.

When a patient isn’t open to further counsel then we immediately ask if we can pray for them before they leave. This is a special time between the doctor or nurse and the patient. It may be the only time they hear about Jesus.

Sam speaks fondly about his role in the spiritual care of our patients. He says, “It is great to witness to the Sudanese, they are so receptive to the gospel. I’m excited to see mother’s declare they will never put their trust in witchdoctors again and remove the ‘protective’ charms from around the children’s necks. Many times this is done at risk of being beaten by their husbands who purchased the charms from the witchdoctors.”

Nurse Auxillia Prays for a PatientIn an average day we see over 100 patients and more than half of those will ask for prayer from the chaplain and nearly all of those will ask Jesus to be their Savior. That is 150-200 people each week. The pastors in our discipleship program will also help out with counsel and sharing when they can. Witchcraft plays a huge part in this communities foundational beliefs and the lack of churches is a challenge in the villages.

As most of our patients come from far outside Tonj they cannot attend our church due to the distance. We have planted one church in an outside village and now two of our pastors have planted a church in a second village. The chief of the village allocated them land to build a church and told the villagers it was for the church’s exclusive use and he has given it to the church “forever.” Their first Sunday more than 15 people attended. Pastor Joseph went to look for a drum so they can bang it loudly before church notifying the people that church has begun. Hallelujah!

“Therefore, if anyone [is] in Christ, [he is] a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” – 2 Corinthians 5:17

Prayer Requests!

  • Specifically for the patients and their spiritual and physical concerns and wisdom for us as we minister to them.
  • For God to give us opportunities for evangelism in the surrounding villages.
  • Continued spiritual growth and unity of our staff.
  • For the organization of our upcoming prayer walk in September.
  • For the planning and arrangements for the Pastor’s Graduation Ceremony scheduled for October 6th.
  • For Sabet as he spends 2 more weeks in Juba with Agum working on adoption papers. The court wants to give us a letter and we need a certificate of adoption. Please pray that specific certificate would be granted to us. We are not sure it even exists in the system but we serve a God who is ABLE to do exceedingly abundantly more than we ask or think possible!

May 2012 Newsletter

Are We Going Back To War?

This is a question we are being asked a lot in light of the recent news coverage on South Sudan. The answer is we don’t know; only the Lord knows what tomorrow brings. The world is watching closely and international leaders are urging both North and South Sudan to maintain peace but sadly many border areas ARE already under attack and living in a warzone. The effect of all this on our presence and ministry in Tonj is minimal at the moment. The rising prices of fuel and food, if you can find them, are about the only evidence that borders to the North are closed due to fighting. So you may be wondering what does all this mean for our family to continue in our mission work? It means we hold fast to the calling that gripped our hearts 14 years ago. We know our Lord equipped us to go and minister in South Sudan which was in war when He first gave us that assignment. We love Tonj and her people and our greatest burden is to bring the truth of His Word to them, so they might taste and see that the LORD is good. It is the work of the Father to take two seeds, useless in their own strength and plant them in this dry and barren land. He was confident in the life He had put inside us and by His Holy Spirit He watered us and brought much fruit. He told us to GO and be strong in the Lord and the power of His might, to put on the whole armor of God so we could stand against the devil’s schemes. Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of the darkness of this world. Aren’t we all living in one big ‘warzone’ called the world? If we are Christians we are fighting a spiritual battle daily and Satan is our only enemy. Let us pray for one another to be effective, bold and courageous in our faith. May the Lord Jesus fill us with His Holy Spirit daily giving us His wisdom, power and strength as He divinely directs our paths to those that need the Gospel.

“Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain. He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” – John 12:24-25

CHE Training!CHE Training!

CHE, Community Health Evangelism, is a program we have begun teaching in Tonj that integrates discipleship and evangelism with community based development. The work is wholistic, seeking to meet the whole need of individuals and communities through complete obedience to everything that Jesus commanded.

We facilitated a team from World Gospel Mission in Uganda who led the CHE workshop from our compound. More than 20 people attended from different areas in South Sudan. We love the ministry of CHE, it empowers individuals to use the local resources God has given them to solve their problems. Our desire is to have Community Heath Evangelists planted in the villages surrounding Tonj that many of our patients travel from.

Prayer Requests!

  • For the completion of the new medical building.
  • Pray for CHE teams to be sent into local villages and implement what they have learnt.
  • Pray for peace between north and south Sudan.
  • Pray we can finalize all the adoption papers and visit USA in January 2013 as a family.

Kuj Family Adoption and Land!Kuj Family Adoption and Land!

Since 2006 our family has been living out of boxes and in 1 or 2 small rooms. This has become increasingly more challenging as we added Agum to our family in 2009 and homeschool all three. Agum’s adoption is now 70% complete and we hope to take a home assignment in early 2013. This year our board felt it necessary to begin a fund to help our family build a home so we can function better and continue to serve long-term. Communal living has many blessings and challenges, but as our ministry and staff have grown we recognize it is time for our family to live off of the compound and to have a home. So we have been looking for the right land to buy and as everything is undeveloped it was not an easy task. But, we prayed and the Lord led us to a piece of land that we both love and have so much peace about. It is officially purchased with the title deed!! Now we have to wait for the rainy season to pass before we can start construction in October. We need help…yes, if you are interested in helping us construct our home please get in touch. We need volunteers from 1 week to 6 months. It’s an overwhelming task but we firmly believe the Lord is in this and trust Him to bring it to completion quickly. One of the attractions was the massive mahogany tree pictured here with our family standing under it!

April 2012 Newsletter

Kingdom Assignment in Sudan!

Kingdom Assignment Sudan constructing a medical clinic in MaloneyIn 2009, Kingdom Assignment Sudan co-founder Andy Dunt left Australia in search of a remote village in South Sudan called Maloney. In Deed and Truth Ministries crossed paths with Andy and joined in his vision to provide basic support to this rural community. Just 45 minutes drive from Tonj across barren swamp land this isolated settlement was the perfect place to begin our weekly medical outreach. Now, three years later, the partnership of our two ministries has provided this disadvantaged village with life-saving resources ranging from a bore hole providing safe drinking water, weekly medical professionals and drugs, a church plant and soon its very own medical clinic. Last month Andy was able to return to the village he has loved and supported bringing with him a group of construction and medical professionals and a pastor. It was our joy to host this dedicated team on their life changing mission as they lay down their lives to serve. They experienced first-hand the harsh world of South Sudan and witnessed the vast needs of the people. To learn more about their ministry vision for South Sudan go to

Midwife on a Mission!

Midwife on a Mission!Stephanie Williams has served as a midwife in the medical clinic for the past two years. Selflessly, she has worked day and night delivering over 200 beautiful Sudanese babies and giving them the best chance of survival in life. With one of the world’s highest infant mortality rates, South Sudan, her women, and In Deed and Truth Ministries are blessed to have had such a devoted and passionate midwife bring hope to every birth.

STS Training Returns to Tonj!

Simply the Story (STS) team came back to Tonj to follow up with our pastors on last year’s training. The emphasis was to train the pastors to be trainers of others in using the STS method as a way to evangelize and share the gospel. The team was able to put what they learnt into practice in a nearby town called Mapel, which is home to the tribe of Jurchol. More than fifty pastors and church leaders attended the three day workshop.

STS is built on the foundation of ‘storying’ and develops storytellers who use inductive bible methods to dig deep into a bible story and learn spiritual truths for themselves and to share with others. The lives of those who gain the skill of STS are forever impacted and changed. For a country high with non-literates, this oral style of bible study has proven to be a huge success.

In Africa, people love to tell you a story. It can be a slow process but people listen attentively to every word that unfolds. It is why STS has been a fruitful outreach to our waiting patients.

Prayer Requests!

  • Pray for the continued building of the new medical clinic. We are on the final stages and excited to see it finished.
  • Pray for CHE trainers arriving this month to train trainers in community evangelism.
  • Pray for completion of Agum’s adoption we are half way there!
  • Pray for Stephanie to readjust easily into her culture as she returns to USA.

“Whoever receives one of these little children in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me, receives not Me but Him who sent Me.” – Mark 9:37

Sad News

“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33

Thank you for your recent prayers for us here in South Sudan. Today things did not turn out the way we thought they would. Sadly young Anoch, the 12 year old amputee, died following her surgery. She was severely anemic and needed a blood transfusion before she could be operated on. Our Community Health Worker reported the Wau hospital did a blood transfusion on arrival, so we are not sure what went wrong exactly. We have many unanswered questions for those at the hospital but we have chosen not to pursue this any further. Her father came to us this morning requesting our ambulance to carry Anoch’s body back to Tonj. We are all so sad for this family. Sabet was able to pray with Anoch and she acknowledged she had understood his invitation to receive Jesus as Savior. Please pray for her family especially the grandfather that shot her accidently. When unexpected events unfold you realize how fragile life really is and how quickly our lives can change forever. Our hope is in Him, HE is our ROCK and our ANCHOR. Pray for Sabet and I as we continue to minister the love of Jesus to this family.

In His Love,

Suzy (for Sabet too)

March 2012 Newsletter

Bush Pastors Graduate!

Joe and Nancy Losee with Graduating PastorsAfter decades of conflict eased, In Deed and Truth Ministries began to disciple bush pastors in Tonj, South Sudan in 2009. As part of the vision the Lord gave Sabet, most of our support and care for these men of God is in developing their level of understanding of the bible and assisting them in Kingdom work.

We met Joe and Nancy Losee in Kenya in 2008 where they were serving as missionaries for 10 years teaching pastors living in rural areas. They were praying for opportunities to go into the interior of South Sudan with the foundation course they had developed. For years we prayed the Lord would provide a biblically based curriculum and the right people to support Sabet so this program could be launched. With such a history of war, insecurity and harsh conditions we were not sure what to expect. Three years ago, Joe and Nancy visited Tonj and what spoke to them the most was how the Holy Spirit was at work during decades of civil war, despite no bibles, radio, books or school. The hunger for understanding God’s Word was evident in the heart of the pastors who had requested for Sabet to bring missionaries to teach them but during the war it was so remote and dangerous that few came. Joe and Nancy committed to helping us launch the school and came to teach alongside Sabet. They were also trained in the curriculum we are using called BTCP (Bible Training Center for Pastors) which a ministry in Kenya translated into Dinka.

Despite many setbacks and initial drop-outs, God’s love and plan has been transforming the lives of these precious pastors. Sowing seeds into this ministry has been a lot of work with many challenges but we are reaping great fruit.

Pastor Judah sharing the gospel with a patientMany supporters have helped us in watering those seeds through pastor sponsorship and volunteer teaching. We are now witnessing amazing results of this labor of love first hand. Last year one of the pastors planted a church in a village after a patient was touched by the Holy Spirit during a daily evangelism in our medical clinic. At the end of this year our first class of 13 pastors will graduate.

In Deed and Truth Ministries is walking this path with each pastor, enjoying the part in continuing the work that God has already begun. At the end of each term the pastors return to their villages and churches excited to put into practice what they have learned. This term the focus is on Teaching Principles and Methods. Using the book of Ephesians they learnt how to prepare a lesson plan for the entire book which is to be taught verse by verse in their churches during the summer break.

Prayer Requests!

  • Pray for the Kingdom Assignment Sudan team visiting from Australia to help with medical outreaches and Maloney programs.
  • Pray for Sabet in Juba working on Agum’s adoption, the family residency and his new South Sudan passport.
  • Pray for Dr. Stick’s final month of surgeries and our clinic staff.

“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.” – Ephesians 3:20-21