Ambulance Arrival by Suzy Kuj

The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right, and His ears are open to their prayers.             1 Peter 3:12

The much awaited ambulance arrived safely at Mombasa port in Kenya and Sabet plans to return to Sudan driving the ambulance!  This process needs covering in prayer in several ways:

  1. Timely clearance from the port and safe delivery to Nairobi.
  2. Agum to be able to travel back to Sudan with missionaries returning from R & R.
  3. Sabet to be able to make the journey alone, clearing two borders without objections. He must clear Kenya within a month so as not to lose the customs bond.
  4. For Sabet’s safety, North Uganda and parts of Sudan are notorious for rebel groups and bandits.
  5. Pray Sabet could be back before the Tenwek Hospital Eye team arrive to do cataract surgeries in September.

We appreciate your love and prayers for us.  We need them.

6 thoughts on “Ambulance Arrival by Suzy Kuj”

  1. Looking forward to watching God work on this one!! We LOVE your “after” stories – after the prayer requests, the anticipation, the PRAYERS, and the event! Praying that God will go before and behind Sabet, leading the way and protecting! We serve an AWESOME GOD!!! We love you guys!

  2. I continue to pray for you at home and at the Tuesday morning prayer meeting. I look forward to having you here in the Lord’s time.



  3. The hand of the Lord is upon you. HIS light shines brightly through you and around you. HIS presence is with you. The Favor of the Lord is with you and shall be greater in the Latter days than in the former. HE loves you and the people you serve. HE is delighted in you and you are the apple of HIS eye. He will protect you and guard you from the enemy. You have done a GREAT work and you will do even greater works. He will continue to give you greater vision and much fruit will come from it.. You are truly blessed and the Lord desires to comfort you and supply all your needs. (Physically, emotionally and materially).. You are loved Kathy B

  4. Suzy, the work you & Sebit have done and continue to do is truly amazing. An ambulance?! Fantastic!

  5. Will continue to lift you all in prayer–thank you for the specific requests, and updates…they help to encourage us as prayer warriors! You are in the midst of the battle…may God go before you! In His love, Nancy C

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