Abundant Life

The Lord spoke clearly to us about the need to pray for every patient, which is hard when we have so many and are so few in staff.  But after much prayer we shared the vision with our staff last weekend and asked them all to try a new program.  The gospel will be presented at least three times to each patient duing their visit, through an evangelical presentation during registration, they will get a track in Dinka and wait to be seen while watching the Jesus film.  Then the doctors/nurses will make a spiritual assessment alongside the physical check-up.  If the patient already knows the Lord or has no interest, we will offer to pray for them in the consultation room.  Those interested in more information will be given a chance for one on one counseling.
Today we experienced such a wonderful response to the program.  We registered 107 patients and each one was prayed for as planned.  Many were sent for counsel and 14 prayed to ask Jesus to be their Savior.  We have noted the villages they have traveled from, some are very far and have no church so we are praying for future church plants.  Our pastors return from their summer break on Monday and we are excited to involve them in the counsel and follow-up.
Mary came with her 2 children, both had pneumonia and charms hung from their necks.  She claimed the charms contained medicine from the witchdoctor to protect the children from being sick.  After counsel she willingly cut off the charms herself and received Jesus into her heart.  She said she will come to church on Sunday.