Rebecca Ayak after Surgery!

Patient Rebecca Ayak

Dear Prayer wariors,

I want to update you about Ayak surgery.

Like any girl it was very tough on her to loose an arm , when she saw her missing arm the folloing day, she was very effected.

Ayak is very expressive when it comes to her emotions. She cried alot and very loud, sometime was because of the shock of loosing an arm and other times was the pain she was going through.

Thank God today she is out of the hospital and she has a normal day to day life, at least it seem that way . I am sure she has a lot going on her mind and in her heart.

The doctors are not hopeful from what they have seen from the Xray. it looks like the cancer has spread to her lungs, the doctors spoted some spots in the lungs. They want Ayak to go under more test and if it’s true they want her to start therapy right away.

She is booked to see specialist less than 10 days from now in Kijabe mission Hospital, and we pray things will work out and they will have all what Ayak needs for the tests and the therapy.

We would like you to continue to pray with us for complete healing, there is nothing impossible before our living God.

Ayak is young, clever, beautiful girl, and she has her life still ahead of her, I like to see complete healing physically and spiritually.

I am sure God’s heart for Ayak, is all good and well and it’s what best for Ayak. I know His plans are the best plans for her.

Pray with us for healing and God’s peace to fill Ayak’s heart in this hard times. pray that God would prepare her for what he has for her either way, healing or not healing.

Pray that Ayak would believe and accept Christ as a savior.

Ayak and her brother
We are very grateful for Joseph who really help Ayak and her brother in Tenwik

3 thoughts on “Rebecca Ayak after Surgery!”

  1. Hi Cari,
    Thank you for praying. it means alot for us here.
    I think it’s possible, but because of expenses we need to start locally here in Kenya, then if God open doors to the US we are willing to take it.

  2. I will be praying for a full recovery, funding and for open doors. Lots of love and prayers.

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