Praise report


I will extol the LORD at all times; his praise will always be on my lips. My soul will boast in the LORD; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the Lord with me, let us exalt his name together. Psalms 34:1-3

Adut Arup brought her child to our clinic three months ago with swelling on her hand extending to the chest. Maruon Madut 5 months old had severe infection on the skin on the fat tissues extending upto the musles tissues. This illness can limit respiration causing the child to loss respiration.

MadutThe Doctors admitted the baby inorder to review him. During this time the husband abandoned his wife and sick child and she had no one to look after her. Our Ministry offered to support her and provided her with food and water. She was admitted for a period of one and half month and never discharged for she disappeared. This happened because the doctors did some minor surgeries to her child. She feared complications due to the minor surgeries done.

Today she came to the clinic to thank the medical staff or rather the ministry for supporting her and praying for her child who is totally healed. She made sure she said hi to Dennis, Albino, and our cooks for being there for her.

She is very excited and praising God for  healing her child and told us that whenever she is in Tonj, she will be coming to our Sunday service to worship our God.

One thought on “Praise report”

  1. I remember this patient well.
    The infant was admitted with swelling from the waist up, fever, almost inaudible cries & groans, difficulty breathing, and almost no response to pain stimuli. Prognosis was poor.
    With antibiotics, IV fluids and forced feedings, he clung to life over the next few days.
    Portions of skin developed gangrene, and underlying fat and tendons dissolved into a thin yellowish liquid.
    We urged the mother to exercise her child’s hands and arms, which were developing contractures from disuse due to pain and swelling.
    After a month of intensive treatment, the child appeared to be turning the corner for the better.
    Then the patient and his mother left suddenly.
    We were certain the child would not survive absent medical care. We were unable to get in touch with the family, and feared the worst.
    To my surprise, the child’s photo (now 8 months old) appeared on a current praise report. In 40 years of medicine, I cannot recall seeing a recovery like this one. And the patient totally healed! Truly a medical miracle.

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