Driving the Ambulance from Nairobi to Tonj

Hey Guys, this is Sabet.  I am sure you have got the news of us receiving the ambulance  at last, Hallelujah!!!

Thank  you for supporting us in getting it and praying for it  to come and now it’s on the way to Tonj.  I will be  blogging about how this trip is going.

I am at Nakuru tonight about 98 miles only from Nairobi. This is the first day in my little adventure driving an ambulance from Nairobi to Tonj.  I know what you are thinking; it will take a month to get to Tonj at that speed! And you are right, if I drive at 33 miles an hour.  The first day we started late at 5  pm in the evening  the aim was to stamp the Custom papers the same night at a certain custom checking point between Nairobi and Nakuru, other wise we would risk loosing the insurance bond on the ambulance.

I am hoping tomorrow I will put some serious hours on the road and stop in Kampala, Uganda for the night before taking the journey to the Sudan/Uganda border.

The ambulance is great fun driving a Toyota Land cruiser with only 600 km on it!  It felt so easy and light, I didn’t over speed or overtake.  I was tempted though many times but driving a left-hand drive vehicle in a country like Kenya where the rule keep left, was keeping me at bay all the time.

I have to say, I got respect from all the policemen on the road, one Kenyan Policeman told me, if it’s an ambulance I don’t have anything to ask from you, ambulance help people, “Aenda” GO!  I was really glad to hear that.

Well tomorrow I and Kuel will start early in the morning 6:30 am and hit the road. Kuel is a Sudanese brother living in Nairobi.  He helped us in the past with Matoch, staying in the hospital and helping the doctors translate.  He will go to the Uganda border with me and then return.  For now he is my co-pilot in the ambulance.

Pray for us tomorrow for the Nakuru – Kampala Leg, it’s a long one.

26 thoughts on “Driving the Ambulance from Nairobi to Tonj”

  1. Praying for you to have a safe trip Sabet – wish I could join you! Glad to hear you’re having favor with the Kenyan police and enjoying a new vehicle on those bumpy roads.

    1. Hey Tyler,
      Thanks man and I wish if you could join me, it would have been fun. I stooped and had 4 barbecued chicken on the stick, it was worthy driving the Ambulance!

  2. Have a safe trip Sabet. Have you tried the siren and the flashing lights yet?? You are in my prayers.

    1. Hey Mark, I was tempt when I hit Trafic in Kampala. the next time I will try that tomorrow if I hi any Trafic, before I go to South Sudan where there is no car, who knows when is going to be used next!!!!
      🙂 Thank you for praying.

  3. Praying for you, Sabet. It will be a long journey but as the Lord provided the way to get the ambulance He will give you strength and guide you along the way. I was excited to see you’ll go through Kampala, Uganda. Stephanie and I were there for two weeks June-July working with a mission group Loving One by One. I loved Uganda, the children, all the precious people we met!

  4. Praying for you Sabet. We are so happy to hear you have the new ambulance! May God bless you richly in all your service to others.

  5. Hi Sabet , wish you safe journey that Lord will be with you all the way to Tonji and we will uphold u in prayers – This how we bring transformation to South Sudan , man and women who are willing to sacrifice for the best of our beloved people .

  6. Hi Sabet,
    Our prayers and thoughts are with you, The Lord will take care of you. Safe jpourney to reunite with the family. Look forward to seeeing you in September,
    Lots of Love from Auntie Pat & Uncles Eddie and Family.
    Will be baking a cake!!

    1. Hey Auntie Pat,
      is so good to hear from you! thank you for praying for me, looking forward to see you this September.

  7. Good morning Sabet, Never thought you’d be an ambulance driver eh?
    It is my prayers that the angels fly with you and help guide you all the way to Tonj.. The Lord’s presence / Favor be with you throughout your journey.. May God bless Kuell for being at your side.

    Prayerfully I will return one day..(sooner than later)

    God Bless

    Kathy Barry

    1. Hey Kathy,
      I didn’t think that too, hey I am ready to do whatever to be used by the Lord and be useful. Great to hear from you, I had some one ask me about you the other day, old friends in Tonj still remember you!
      I think it’s christina, who use to help in the compound.
      Many blessings

  8. Thanks for taking us on your adventure! Praying God will go before you, and protect you on all sides! Looking forward to seeing you in October!

    Kathie & Mike Colton

    1. Thank you so much Kathie, I am looking forward to see this october too. Thank you for praying for me.

  9. Hey Sabet……praying for you and knowing that God is with you brother. Love you so much!! Beautiful country there in Nakuru!!


    1. Hi Melody,
      Thank you so much for covering me with prayers, I have been having fun driving and it was great to be bale to get to Kampala last night not very late. but avoided the heavy Kampala traffic.
      Many Blessing

  10. I’m thrilled to ride along with you as you share how our God provides, cares for you & blesses ALL THE WAY! We lift you up in prayer — with THANKSGIVING, my BROTHER who I LOVE in a HUGE WAY!! “FEEL” my hand, this moment, shaking yours, Sab.

    I Love You!


  11. Lord, we come together in our petitions to ask for travel mercies for Sabet and Kuel on their adventure to Kampala. Please keep them safe and alert; provide favor in all situations they encounter; give them precious, sweet fellowship as they share driving responsibilities; good places to eat and break along the way; a safe return to Nairobi for Kuel; and grace for Sabet to cross the Uganda border. Thank you for blessing this ministry with the awesome ambulance, which in turn will bless the people who come to the Kuj’s medical clinic for healing. May their decision to share Your “love story” with every patient who comes through their facility produce much fruit. To You be the glory, honor and praise!

  12. Hello Sabet! We just spent time lifting you up to the Lord! Can’t imagine what crazy roads you will be on during that journey! We pray that the Lord will bless you immensely–protecting you every step of the way and that you would even be able to sing his praises as you travel! God bless you and praise the Lord for the long-awaited ambulance! We look forward to hearing the good news of its safe arrival!

  13. Sabet,

    Just looking at that ambulance and the relief it will bring to so many in need made my day-may the Lord guide and keep you safe on your journey home.

    Your friend in Him

    Tom Pappas

    1. thank you Tom, I m sure it will bring so much relief and ,any poor people will get help, thank you for your prayers.

    1. Thank youy Scott,
      Kampala trafic is CRAZY!!!! I almost got scratch by a truck today, but things went well thank God for safety.

  14. God bless you brother, and may God use that ambulance to help many, save lives, change hearts and bring honor and glory to His name there in Sudan, in Tonj, at IDAT! Blessings to you all and my little sister in Christ, Agum. It’s not a TUNA!

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