Happy New Year!
As we celebrate the New Year, we thank God for YOU our partners and supporters. It’s because of you we are now going into our 23rd year of serving in Tonj, South Sudan!! We are so grateful for the way you supported us in prayer and partnered financially with the vision of In Deed and Truth Ministries. 2021 was a challenging year but also a fruitful one! Here’s a recap of how the Lord used us in 2021 and impacted an entire community for the Kingdom of God.
Our ministry has three areas we reach out to the Tonj community: our church plants, our mission hospital, and our community health evangelism program.
In 2021, our Maternal and Pediatric Mission Hospital treated over 44,000 patients! We saw over 9,000 pregnant mothers, an increase of 2,000 since 2020. We delivered 541 babies in a safe environment, which is a growth of 60% from 2020. We vaccinated thousands of children and cared for 1,715 inpatients that were admitted on our ward. Many of these were premature babies in need of oxygen and an incubator.

Our 24-hour care literally saved hundreds of lives physically but we also poured into each patient spiritually, making sure every patient was prayed for and heard the gospel. Many prayed to receive Jesus Christ as their personal Savior before going home or being discharged from the ward. Our chaplains pray with them, pray over them, and bless them.
Ten years ago the Lord gave us a vision for Community Health Evangelism (CHE) Centers for villages in and around Tonj. By 2016 we had three active CHE centers that were working really well. In 2019 we added five more and 2020, despite the covid and civil unrest, we still managed to establish three new centers, increasing our CHE impact from 3 to 11 village communities. CHE was influencing so many people we had more requests from village chiefs to start CHE in their villages and in 2021 we added another 20 CHE centers with seven more planned for the first quarter of 2022!

We now have 2,530 Community Health Evangelist’s serving as volunteers through 31 CHE centers. They made 37,660 homes visits in 2021, sharing physical health and spiritual lessons. Using solar-powered audio bibles these CHE villages held 427 bible listening group meetings in 2021 with 6,075 attendances and 4,953 decisions for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

This explosion in our CHE villages has led to a hunger for bible teaching and the need for church plants. This new year as we embark on true life change, we start off the year with a spirit of praise!
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” 1 Peter 1:3
Church Planting!
It is important that we start this New Year by praising God for all the amazing blessings He has given us in 2021 and by faith we praise Him for the blessings we are about to receive in 2022. We are excited to dive into this year, ready to glorify Him. We currently have 21 church plants, with a combined annual attendance of 110,000 in 2021! Of those, 4,261 were new to church.

We are praising Jesus for the 3,959 new believers that received salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. We started the new year with a mass baptism of all the churches and making the total of baptisms 2,845 in 2021.

Pray for Pastor Mabior and our 25 other pastors. We will be doing monthly pastor training throughout 2022 and if you’re interested in a trip to South Sudan to help with this need, please email us.

I am Praising God for the over-the-top, abundant blessings He bestowed upon the people and ministries in Tonj!!! Confirming the work being done Blesses our Precious Lord!!!
Truly amazing accomplishments. Miracles happening every day. Only with God’s blessing can this be done
How encouraging to hear of so much growth in such a challenging year as 2021! Surely God has favored and sustained you.!