Introducing the Beard Family!
Ben, Sarah, Jonah (8) Seth (6) and Ryelle (3) left Australia in May to join our team short term and to pray about IDAT being a good fit for their long-term desire to be in the mission field. They came with hearts to learn and a willingness to serve, with no other expectations.

Beard Family in South Sudan
Ben shared, “I have loved visiting all the villages, meeting the people, learning about their culture, hearing their struggles and serving wherever needed but my highlight was a thrilling ATV adventure to a village medical outreach that required prayer and trust in God. As a nurse, the medical outreaches are something I look forward to. The days are often long and tiring but very rewarding. Patients come, are triaged, tested for malaria, see the doctor, collect their medicine and hear the gospel.

Every medical outreach, at least 10 people give their lives to Christ. This is the real purpose of us going in the first place. “How beautiful are the feet of those that bring good news (Romans 10:15).” The villages we visit are part of our CHE program and such a blessing. Their passion and growth for the gospel is outstanding. Jesus is moving in their hearts, transforming their communities and the gospel is spreading rapidly throughout these communities. This has set my heart on fire. Overall, we have loved the work that God is doing through In Deed and Truth Ministries and we are keen to continue supporting this work of God.”
Prayer Request: Ben and Sarah were scheduled to leave Tonj on September 1st but due to Covid restrictions their flight was cancelled back into Australia and they are currently stuck here in Tonj! They have shared their heart to return and serve with In Deed and Truth long-term in January 2023 but due to their circumstances they will begin taking on some of their future responsibilities right now! Please pray for them, the children and the family and friends back home. They will be raising support and this has become a more urgent need due to the change in their plans. Sarah was involved in the women’s and youth ministries. She has been a prayer warrior for our ward patients and staff.
CC Tonj Youth Conference 2021
The Beard family raised support to help the church host a Youth Conference. Here is Sarah’s experience in her own words.
“I’ve been trying to find a word to sum up the whole event but I can’t think of just one. So let me just say…God!!

“We planned for about 250 people to attend, from 17 IDAT village church plants but God had other plans and more than 350 youth attended. The weather was perfect for the days leading up to the conference and stayed dry over the event, which made the transportation process much smoother. We worried about being able to feed everyone so, God took over and the food just kept coming and coming. Most people got seconds or third, the portion sizes were more than generous, and we even had ‘left overs’ for the cooks to take some home.

“You couldn’t deny the presence of God the entire time. And the worship was so powerful you could not help but join in with the dancing. Each person that shared a message spoke straight from the heart of God and brought life to everyone who was there. God truly blessed and touched the lives of everyone there. I cannot stop smiling and praising God every time I look back and reflect. This is what God called me here for.”

Please keep the youth of Tonj in your prayers. They need to be covered in prayer now more than ever.
Please also pray for next month’s soccer tournament, we are still in need of partners to help fund this amazing outreach.
Matthew 28:19 says, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
Thank you for the beautiful pictures and words describing the Amazing work God is accomplishing through all who are His!!!
I am praying for the Youth!! You can’t outgive God and He proved it at the Youth Conference!!
Praying for the Precious Beard Family!!!
May our gracious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ continue to Bless His work Abundantly ?
Indeed… How beautiful are the feet of those that bring good news.
Blessings for l you are doing.
Sorry for the typo.. meant all you are doing….
God bless your time there as you serve with a open heart and feel His presence every day
So fantastic.. enjoy every second .. in Gods will
“And God brought life to all who were there!” My heart is blessed with that statement,thanking God for the Beard family and the many who have come and gone to Tonj also praying for IDAT for God’s protection over and around the whole compound, the Pastors workers,youth,missionaries and the patients ..With love and prayers for all the Saints..