CHE Committee!
Our three villages practicing Community Health Evangelism each selected a committee to oversee the CHE’s volunteering in their village. This past month we celebrated the completion of the committee training. God has really shown us favor in selecting the committee members. We are blessed to have such an amazing group of people dedicated to transforming the lives of those around them. They are not paid and serve completely as volunteers. In Guaria, the entire village of more than 500 people turned out to celebrate and honor their committee. This is really encouraging and gives us great hope for a successful CHE program.

The next step is to have each committee select Community Health Evangelists from within their village. Then training of the CHE’s will begin. Hopefully by the end of this year we will have three churches partnering in prayer for each one of these villages. Praying specifically for the Chief, committee, CHE’s, believers, non-believers, IDAT CHE team and the challenges within each community.
Ministry of Health!
God has been hearing our cry and has answered our prayers. Over the past few years we have experienced several challenges when dealing with health officials both from Tonj State and at the national level. This year Sabet and Dr. Jono attempted to reconcile some of those issues but were shut down. Our clinic is privately run and funded so our dependence on the government is minimal. However, we do have to report to them and we also depend on them to renew our yearly license and to give exemption to our medicine being brought in from Kenya. This year we did not get exemption even though our clinic was the only one supplying medicine when the government clinics ran out. Earlier this month though we received a visit from the National Minister, the Hon. Dr. Riek Gai Kok.

He was visiting all health facilities in our area and absolutely LOVED In Deed and Truth and the work we are doing. So MUCH with so LITTLE! He was very impressed and even made a special mention of us on national TV, repeatedly singling us out for praise and encouragement. God has truly done above and beyond what we could have asked or thought possible! Praise Him!!
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” – Mark 16:15
Get Involved!
God is transforming lives in South Sudan. If you feel God is calling you to get involved, we have short-term mission trips throughout the coming year. Whether you represent a church or have a personal interest, we encourage you to visit our website or email us for more information.
As our ministry grows we are looking to expand our team with long term missionaries. Here are just a few of the areas we are needing help:

- Auto Mechanic
- Construction
- Youth and Children’s Ministry
- Medical Professionals
- ESL teacher
- Sports/Recreation Outreach
- Community Transformation
- Church Development
There’s no better place to be than in the center of His will!
So much good news.
Praise God!!
Very encouraging what happens in the 3 mentioned villages,
God gives His blessing to this work of Idad and cares for the people of S.Sudan.