Kujs in Kenya!
Once a year, before the rains start in April, we truck thousands of dollars of medicine from Nairobi to Tonj. Along with the medicine we purchase some food items, gas bottles and other supplies we can’t get in South Sudan. It is that time of year again where we need to truck our yearly supplies, so our family is escaping the 105°F heat of Tonj and spending a few weeks tackling the hustle and bustle of East Africa’s largest city, Nairobi. With a trip like this comes a few ‘luxuries’ like ice-cream, cool breezes, cheap pedicures and fast internet!! Our goal is to fill the truck in the few weeks we’re here and then head back to South Sudan where we’ll await for its arrival. When we go back the temperature will be getting into the 115°F range so please pray for us as we adjust back to this unforgiving climate.

In addition to this truck from Kenya we are also waiting on a container that was sent from Missouri on February 9th through Friends in Action. It contains our ‘surplus life’ from spending extra time stateside. It also has a new solar fridge and freezer for the compound, lots of food and other ‘fun’ things to soften the hard edges of our lives in South Sudan. Please pray for that container. It is expected in Mombasa port around April 4th and Lord willing, will arrive in Tonj a few weeks later.
Calvary Chapel Tonj!
We have a great problem…God is moving in Tonj and we have outgrown our existing church! The school building normally used can’t accommodate us anymore and we are now meeting outside under a large mango tree. This works for now but in two months the rains will start and we will face a different dilemma.

Most of the church growth is coming directly from the patients that visit our clinic and live in Tonj. Our ministry treats every person that enters our gates as a special appointment from God. They are prayed for and counseled before leaving to go back to their villages. Many give their lives to Christ and there is a hunger for God’s Word among these new believers. Last month we purchased 3 acres of land to build a permanent church. The elders of the church have been praying and fasting for favor as land in Tonj is now so hard to get directly in the town. God faithfully answered our cry and gave us above and beyond what we asked or thought possible, 3 acres in a high populated residential area!! The entire church is fired up and eager to move. Please join us in asking God’s continued favor as we take the next steps.
“Out of them shall come songs of thanksgiving, and the voices of those who celebrate. I will multiply them, and they shall not be few; I will make them honored, and they shall not be small. Their children shall be as they were of old, and their congregation shall be established before me, and I will punish all who oppress them. Their prince shall be one of themselves; their ruler shall come out from their midst; I will make him draw near, and he shall approach me, for who would dare of himself to approach me? declares the Lord. And you shall be my people, and I will be your God.” – Jeremiah 30:19-22
This past few months we’ve had the awesome privilege of training the committees in the three CHE villages we are currently working in. We posted a lot of fun pics and videos from the training on the @idatsudan Instagram account. During training we’re always looking for those ‘champions’ that stand out from the crowd and show initiative.

Meet Rosa, she is one of those champions. She’s from Warrak village and is on the CHE committee there. Inspired by CHE training she started a bible study in her home using a solar powered audio bible. She had 11 people join the study, and all of them have made decisions to follow Jesus through hearing the word of God. Imagine the multiplication factor when all the CHEs in all our villages are setting up bible studies like Rosa has!
I didn’t know there was a solar refrigerator freezer out there to be had. Where can I find out more about these things? I hope and I will pray that your shipping container arrives.
Harold Pickering
Phoenix, Arizona