Kuj Family Outreach!
This year has started out great for our family. It’s almost as if we never left! We are nicely settled into our new home. The kids are doing well with school. Sabet is busy with the church and Suzy is busy with CHE. Every Thursday is our ‘family outreach day’. Our entire family goes to a nearby village for outreach, sometimes medical and sometimes just playing games but always sharing the gospel.

So far we have combined these outreach days with CHE training in our three CHE villages. Another highlight has been going to the ward and praying with inpatients. The common factor for most of them is they have already been to the witchcraft and because it didn’t work they came to us. We start by telling them we believe Jesus brought them to us for physical and spiritual healing. We also encourage removal of charms. We have three chaplains counseling patients. Most patients are completely open to hearing the gospel. Knowing where they are from and if there is a church in their village helps us plan our outreaches and where to show the Jesus film. Every patient is prayed for by a chaplain. I love this because we are saturating them in the truth and Jesus said: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
You might remember we sent an above ground pool in one of our containers a couple of years ago. This has been an amazing blessing when the afternoon temperatures soar into the 100’s°F. From water aerobics to kids play dates and now BAPTISM! Yes, we did our first baptism in the pool.

This is Mary Wutchok. When we were doing our ward rounds she asked about being baptized. I love the joy that radiated from her as she rose out of the water. She is one of Dr. Destinee’s patients and was having malaria while pregnant. After her baptism, we sent her back to her village with an audio, solar powered, New Testament bible in Dinka.

These audio devices also hold bible stories and teachings. They cost $35 to purchase. With high illiteracy in the villages, please join us in praying that we can provide 1,000 audio bibles for distribution during our outreaches. Email us if you would like to help.
Suzy has been working alongside Dr. Jono in the CHE (Community Health Evangelism) villages. This last month we have been focused on helping our CHE villages choose their committees. These committees will oversee the CHE’s in their villages and hold them accountable. It’s therefore really important the committee members are committed and fully understand the concepts of CHE. In January, we completed the first of four trainings in Warrak, Bobi and Guaria villages. We used role play to teach the importance of the community identifying the needs and under God’s direction, becoming self-reliant in development to avoid dependency on NGO’s. They learnt it takes a community working together to have a strong and successful CHE program. NO to witchcraft and YES to Jesus. As we shared spiritual truths one man asked Jesus to be his Savior. The entire CHE committee laid hands on him for protection in the decision he made to follow Jesus.
Now we are in need of individuals who love Jesus, like people and want a life changing experience to prayerfully consider a one year internship with IDAT’s CHE program.
Wow! Suzy and Family…we love hearing all God is doing through you in Sudan! God bless and protect you and your family! Love Pastor Paul and Kathy Wood