In the midst of today’s busyness and high-tech lifestyles, it is easy to not find time to pray but what a privilege to be given this calling as children of God. The battle, even for our time, is a spiritual one for which prayer is our answer!! We thank each one of you for praying for our family, missionaries, team and ministry. Your fervent prayers are carrying us through these tough times.
We have received notice that a decision regarding Agum’s US status should be communicated to us by the end of October. We are praising God and praying it would be favorable. Our greatest desire would be to be back in Africa for Christmas.

Sabet is still in Nairobi with his mum. His brother Dominic arrived safely from Australia and the three of them happily reunited for the first time in 20 years. The Lord is amazing and has answered our prayers by providing a ticket for Suzy to ‘nip’ over to Kenya to see Sabet after 8 weeks of separation. She’ll also get to see Sabet’s mum and Dominic before they all go back to Tonj, which may be her last chance to spend time with her. Pray for our time together, October 26th to November 7th, and for our children, Hannah, Agum and Jedidiah who will remain in Florida with Suzy’s mum.
Missions Conference!
Suzy and the kids were so blessed to spend a weekend with Calvary Chapel Merritt Island to attend their ‘Beautiful Feet’ mission conference. It was a time of refreshment, fun and making new friends.
Testimonies from Tonj!
This is Marek, he’s the cousin of our finance administrator, Andrea.

He turned up at our clinic last week to share his testimony of the transforming power of Christ in his life. As a young man he made his fortune raiding cattle from the neighboring Nuer tribe, and like so many of rural South Sudanese he lived entrenched in spirit worship. Several months ago he developed a certain illnesses which even the strongest witchdoctors were powerless to fix. So as a last resort he came to Andrea, who brought him to our clinic. With a course of medication and prayer to the almighty God Marek had completely recovered within 3 days! He along with his 3 wives and many children were astonished at his rapid recovery, and the whole family determined that from this day forth they would follow the God who was so much more powerful than any witchdoctor.
“Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He saved them out of their distresses. He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!” – Psalm 107:19-21
Praise to Jesus!!
Four month old Mabior woke up in the night crying with a high fever.

Early the next morning he started seizing, and the seizure just didn’t stop. His mother, convinced he would die, started mourning at home, but a relative convinced her to go to the nearest clinic. At the village clinic they were told it was too late so they tried a market pharmacy who also couldn’t help. Finally they turned up at In Deed and Truth clinic with the child still convulsing, struggling to breathe from aspiration, and on the verge of death. We promised the mother to try our best but told her that it would take some help from God to save this child. So while starting IV infusions to treat the malaria and stop the convulsions we laid hands on him and committed him to God. The next morning the child was alert and breastfeeding again, showing off his adorable smile… and we couldn’t stop smiling either! After witnessing the healing of her child, our chaplain Santino was able to share the good news of Jesus with her using picture cards, and like so many of our patients she joyfully invited Christ into her life.
- Please join us in praise and prayer for all these needs and testimonies.