Just over a week ago Sabet returned to East Africa and once again we found our family separated by miles of land and ocean. Time seems to stand still when we count the days until we are reunited. It got me thinking about the many years during the war, when I was pregnant, that we spent weeks apart. The Lord would always comfort me then and He is comforting me now. “Wait on me, I see you and all you are going through. Just trust ME.” Oh how I want to finish this race with honor and strength. So here I am, waiting…in ‘rainy’ Florida!
Rain…Good or Bad?
We are beginning our 6 month rainy season in Tonj. You can almost hear the land cry out with relief after months of the sun scorching every bit of life from the dirt. As the torrential downpours begin pockets of grass spring into action washing over the brown landscape with vibrant greens and splashes of color. Rain is such a precious commodity in Africa. With the rain comes busyness, as the woman attend to the gardens while men enjoy free ‘catches’ from the river and their cattle feast on fresh grass.
What a respite from the intense heat, even coolness follows a downpour. Frogs, frogs and more frogs all blurting out their own song and rhythm joined by the relentless drumming as they celebrate the first rains, pounding into the early morning hours.
The spectacular thundery theatre in the afternoon sky tells me I’m deep in the African basin where rain causes havoc and sometimes even tragedy for the local South Sudanese. Tonj is well known for its extensive flooding, impassable roads, disease infested swamps and rampant malaria.

Flash bolts of lightning claim lives every year. Many believe the witchdoctors tales and pay for the curse of that lightning that would strike against the one who has wronged them.
I always know my insignificance and God’s mighty power and authority in the midst of such a storm. Don’t fear the storm but the ONE who is Creator and in control of the storm. The one who calms the storm with a spoken word.
Then His disciples came to Him and awoke Him, saying, “Lord, save us! We are perishing!” But He said to them, “Why are you fearful, O you of little faith?” Then He arose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. So the men marveled, saying, “Who can this be, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?” – Matthew 8:25-27
As the rains are just getting under way, we wonder what this rainy season will bring to In Deed and Truth? Will there be flooding? Loss of gardens and famine? High numbers of infant deaths in the clinic from malaria? Food and fuel shortages due to trucks not getting through on the roads? Death of those we know and love? Tragic misconceptions of witchcraft and Jesus… Who has the real Power?
We can only pray in anticipation of what the Lord has in store and how we might be used to bring calm in the storm.
Praises: For our wonderful team of medical professionals and staff serving the South Sudanese around the clock and countering fear with hope and truth.
Praises: For the safe arrival of our visitors. Dr. Destinee’s father Bryan and his friend Richard are helping the Macleods to construct a home for their family.

Prayer: For the deteriorating security situation and for wisdom in decision making as it effects our team on the ground.
Prayer: One truck arrived but we have three remaining, two inside South Sudan and one in Nairobi.
Prayer: We should get news about the next step in Agum’s case before this month ends.
Prayer: For the health and safety of our team, especially the little Macleod kids who have both been sick with diarrhea for several weeks.
Prayer: For the good and the bad that comes with the rain.