The ‘holding’ pattern continues stateside as we await news on Agum’s citizenship. Any day we should receive instructions on the next step to take. Sabet returned from East Africa after 4 weeks away and our family, now reunited, are trusting His perfect timing and learning much through the process. It is never about us and our plans, it is about dying to our right, will and desires to allow Him to use this for His glory. Can we really put Christ in us ‘on hold’? We feel desperate to go back and yet our desperation needs to be for Jesus and Him alone. We have come to that place of living moment by moment and praying “May your will be done not ours, give us today whatever it is we need and use us Lord, no matter where we are, for your purpose.”
The situation in South Sudan continues to deteriorate. With no peace in sight the nation is sinking fast. July 9th marks the country’s 4th anniversary but also marks 18 months of fighting. So far more than 2 million people are displaced and over 4 million face food insecurity, which no doubt will not evoke a spirit of celebrating their freedom this year. Sabet receives daily reports of rebel activity and shootings, most of which don’t affect our area directly but have caused trucks not to pass with fuel, food and supplies.
A Home for our Missionaries
Despite all of these challenges we are happy to announce the safe arrival of container # 2 with the Macleods prefab home. This home is going to make their service long term more comfortable and safer for their children. Bryan (Destinee’s dad) and Richard will work putting together the home before they head back to New Zealand in August.
Despair vs. Hope
It is never easy to see little ones suffering and parents desperate to save them. Our greatest joy comes when we see Jesus in the midst of these hopeless situations. Our newest team member, Josephat, is a clinical officer from Kenya. He shared this story with us about 11-day old baby Atem. When the parents arrived at our clinic with the child you could see fear and desperation in their faces. Atem was severely sick with meningitis and by all means should not survive. He was not feeding and was weak. We told the parents we have hope in Jesus Christ and we would not give up praying every day for the be healed. Our pastors also visited the parents and talked to them about Jesus. On the fourth day Atem started nursing and very soon he regained strength. After 16 days in our clinic he was completely healed and discharged. The next day the parents came back to our compound looking for Pastor Santino. They wanted to know more about this Jesus who healed their son!

“That they may know from the rising of the sun to its setting that there is none besides Me. I am the Lord, and there is no other; I form the light & create darkness, I make peace and create calamity; I, the Lord, do all these things.” – Isaiah 45:6-7
Praises: We thank Jesus for Agum and Jed and their decision to be baptized.
Sabet and Pastor Rob (Eastgate) baptizing Agum and Jed in the Gulf of Mexico
Praises: For the healing of the Macleod children after weeks of diarrhea.
Praises: For Sabet’s trip and safety while traveling.
Praises: For the safe arrival of the Macleod container.
Prayer: For the insecurity of South Sudan and its future peace.
Prayer: For Agum’s citizenship case.
Prayer: Protection, health and safety of our team as they rotate in and out of Kenya for rest.
Love the photos. Congratulations to Agum and Jed. Welcome back Sabet. Praying for your family and the situation in S. Sudan. I trust all is well with you and your Mum Suzy.
Love from Sandra
For the MacLeod children…activated charcoal will stop the diarrhea. You can also use charcoal from fires. It needs to be pulverized then add one half teaspoon to 1 cup water after each bowl movement. It will go through and collect the bacteria that is causing the diarrhea and stop it. I used it in Haiti. God bless
Is the Dr. Tom of the video
the same Dr. Tom that is associated with In Deed and Truth?
It is not. Our Dr. Tom’s last name is Randles.
I’m so blessed to hear the news that Sabet is back with the family, safe. I’ve been praying for your whole family. What wonderful pictures of Agum and Jed. A big welcome to both of you, and a big hug, for an even closer walk with the family of God.
Thank you for sending the up-dates and the pictures.
Love to all
Barbara Whitacre
(your sewing teacher in California)
So pleased to hear that Sabet has arrived back in USA, and that Jed and Agum have made a momentous decision, Good to see the photos – Pastor Bob from your Wedding along with Sabet to perform this ceremony. God Bless you all and keep you and yours safe. All our love Auntie Pat & Uncle Eddie xxxx