Update from Dr. Tom

Hello all. Nothing out of the ordinary . Today we had a third child in 3 weeks convulse aspirate and die. In each case the parents have waited 5-8 days with child being sick then gone to witch doctor then finally showed up at our clinic. It is hard to imagine in America that witch doctors still have so much influence here. Truth is they do and families argue whether to bring the sick to our clinic or the witch doctor.Tonight a child with convulsions was brought into the clinic . They were headed to the witch doctor when the convulsion started so they came to us first. I pray the child makes it through the night and we are hopeful because they never made it to the witch doctor.I see around an average of 60 patients daily. I enjoy the little ones . The scarey thing about little ones is that usually they get better but they can go bad very quickly and unexpectedly. I spend a lot of time training the community health workers I work with. I tell them what I am doing and thinking and why. Some day they may be out in the villages treating the malaria and common things to be able to get care to those in far villages (hours of walking away) so we can treat the malaria sooner. The community health workers are smart and maybe someday will put the village witch doctor out of business.

One thought on “Update from Dr. Tom”

  1. Hi Tom. Would love to see those witch doctors out of business. Praying that God will give you strength for each day.

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