Church in Pictures and Pastor Kibe

One of our greatest burdens has been for the church we planted in Tonj town. When Sabet is not there we don’t really have an assistant pastor to help us. Because we teach in English with translators we attract an international crowd. Last year we were finally able to move the church off of our compound and into the community which has caused it to grow. Recently our team began praying for a missions minded person with a pastor’s heart to come alongside Sabet in pastoral care of our team and national staff. As we sought the Lord and His will for Tonj we realized the church was also lacking cover when Sabet is not around, even though our team always jump in to help, it can be challenging for them. As we shared the need with fellow missionaries while in Kenya, we were not expecting such a fast response. A missionary friend and pastor of Calvary Chapel Nairobi said he thought a young man in his church fitted exactly what we were looking for. So Kibe has joined our team and today was his first experience in a South Sudanese church. He has ministered in rural and troubled places in Kenya but had never flown or traveled outside of Kenya. The elders prayed for him as we welcomed him into the church and community.


Sabet started teaching through the book of Acts. Below is our church in pictures:

IDAT team leading worship

IDAT Team Leading Worship

Sabet playing cajón

Sabet Playing Cajón

Margit playing guitar

Margit Playing Guitar

IDAT team worshipping

IDAT Team Leading Worship

Church in prayer

Church in Prayer

Sabet praying – notice the bullet holes in the wall, a reminder left from the war

Sabet Praying

Hannah collecting the offering

Hannah Collecting Offering

Sabet teaching Acts

Sabet Teaching Acts

 Jed and Agum get a ride home after church

Jed and Agum get a ride home after church

One thought on “Church in Pictures and Pastor Kibe”

  1. It is beautiful to see how the Lord is building the community in Tonj and the surrounding villages with the gospel. May the Name of the Lord be praised.

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