Sharing the gospel with the patients!

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.” – Isaiah 60:1

Samuel our clinic chaplain evangelizes to the patients every day and he ensures that every patient is given the chance to receive prayers and Jesus as their savior. Today more than 150 people were seen in the clinic and Samuel had a chance to interact with each one of them.


Today there was a lady whose child was seen by  our Clinical officer Dennis. The lady was kind of fierce. When the Doctor tried to examine her child with the stethoscope she protested and tried to stop him. But the Community Health Worker, Dorothy explained to her what was being done to her child. Dorothy offered to pray for her, but she protested again and asked her what prayer is. They were two other patients in the same room and they explained to her the meaning of prayer. Dorothy also explained to her and she agreed reluctantly to be prayed for. Later Samuel prayed for her and encouraged her with the word of God until she was convinced and she said she believed about God and his son Jesus Christ.

Another woman told us that she believes that there is a God who lives in heaven and she is willing to share to her community, but the problem is that they will not believe her. She said she tried once but the elders called and warned her not to mention Jesus  again, because they have their own traditions and the way they worship their god. The elders believe that their women might became prostitutes if they believe anything taught in the towns. After we shared with her, she became bold and said she would stick to what she now believed about Jesus.

Please pray that God would touch their hearts and open their eyes so that they may see his goodness and light.
