Snakes in the Compound


“Thou shall not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that waisteth at noonday.” – Psalm 91:5-6

It was Friday night after dinner and our staffs were relaxing at the dinning after a long day of work. Suddenly they heard somebody screaming near the dinning and they all rushed outside to see what was happening. They found Margaret outside her room and she was astonished. There was a big snake outside her room about 3 feet long and thick.

Luckily Dennis and Pritty were able to capture and kill it. On the same day later in the clinic another snake was killed. It rained so hard and I think the snakes move to high ground. We thank God nobody had been bitten so far, we are also grateful because whenever there is a snake God alerts his people and the snakes get killed before attacking anyone.

Please pray for the safety of our staffs against snakes, scorpions and any other attack from the enemy. The enemy is always ready to attack but our God is our shield and our protector in the time of trouble.

Please pray for the safety of Albino who is on the way from Uganda, where he went to buy the materials for the construction of our new clinic. The truck takes at least 2 weeks from Uganda to Tonj, they are risks involved like theft and harassment from the boarders, please pray for Albino that he will arrive in Tonj safe and sound and also for the drivers God to give them wisdom and to direct their paths.