A Message From Dr.Tom in Tonj!

Monday the 6th turned out to be a quite amazing day. It started as a normal busy Monday lots of patients waiting to be seen. At noon at went to government  hospital and scrubbed a hernia repair with Mike. After surgery we saw more people at clinic and then I popped pop corn for dinner. Then a truck (a big truck) pulled up to clinic filled with 13 persons injured when a packed land Rover flipped after blowing a tire. There were smashed in faces Broken bones and other trauma. The whole staff went to work everyone pitching in as best they could. Our observation room was already filled so we had mats everywhere to lay patients on. Only one community health worker was on duty and I knew we were in trouble but within a short time many of the workers came in to interpret and give medical assistance (I love those guys). It was sure great having Mike Stick working with us. I evaluated abcs airway breathing circulation then I started setting and splinting fractures. In several hours all patients were stable. Around 11:30 I said to Mike if no one drifts off to death tonight it would be something. I then got called to do a D&C on woman with a retained placenta who had walked 2-3 hours to clinic after miscarriage of a 5 month gestation pregnancy. At 12:30 I went to bed and slept like a baby. On Tuesday AM all the patients from wreck were doing fine as were all the patients in our packed observation room. I was so grateful to our mighty God for blessing us so. I was filled with joy, joy, joy. What a thrill when we are blessed with patients getting better. I personally take no pride in these things I just thank God for His blessing. God lets us be used to help others. Today I said to Dennis and Pritty that it is a good thing In Deed and Truth Ministries is here cause where would all these people go for health care. No pride we are just thankful we can be used. I told Mike the surgeon that to be useful God had to send us where we could be used. We were expendible in the USA but here we are useful. Thank you Lord and thank you Sabet and Suzy in all you sacrificed to get this place going.

One thought on “A Message From Dr.Tom in Tonj!”

  1. Dr. Tom, what can you tell me about Stephanie? She is my daughter working with your ministry. I am concerned for she has not updated her blog for over one week nor answer my email. Would you please let her know her mother is worried? We are in the mission filed in North Mexico and our phone system is off, so email is the best way to communicate with us at the present time. Thank you so much. God bless you all and ministry. Rosa

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