Heartache for a Sweet Child by Suzy Kuj

He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds.” Psalm 147:3

Today has been very difficult.  One of my Sunday school children died, his name was Sebit and he was 7 years old, the son of one of our employees, Elizabeth.  She cooks for the national staff and pastors every day.  Sebit was tending to the goats, a typical chore for a boy his age, when he fell from the bridge that crosses the Tonj river.  He died instantly when his head hit a rock. 

The culture here is so hard to understand at times.  Danger lurks everywhere and allowing your children out of your sight for a minute is quite challenging.  Death seems to linger in the streets and in the air.  At times it feels there is no escape; it’s so common place and accepted as part of life.

I spent the afternoon and evening with Elizabeth, weeping, praying and trying to make sense of it.  Outside a group of men worked tirelessly digging the small grave and making a bamboo coffin.  Inside the small dark mud hut at least 15 women crouched on the floor, some were silent, some lamented while grief hung in the air invading us all.  Wails could be heard approaching as more people received news of the tragedy.  Anguish wracking through the bodies of relatives as they drop to the dirt, writhing in sorrow.   A silent prayer, “Holy Spirit help us to know what to say and what to pray.  Nothing feels helpful and worthwhile in this moment.”   

I witnessed the love and care of this small boy as neighbors and family bathed the body, wiping away the blood and evidence of death, clothing him in his Sunday school best and wrapping him in crisp white linens.  All that remained was a shell for his spirit had departed.  The Sebit that ran and laughed and took care of his young brother in Sunday school last week was no longer there.  HE was gone.  Gone to be with his Lord, for that I am confident and grateful; grateful for the opportunity every week to teach these precious little ones about Jesus. 

“Goodbye Sebit, we love you and we will see you again one day in heaven sweet one.”

8 thoughts on “Heartache for a Sweet Child by Suzy Kuj”

  1. Oh, I am so very sorry about the loss of this precious child! I pray for Elizabeth and all of you as you grieve. This is such a terrible thing to endure. My heart is broken for all of you. Lord, please, please be present and bring your comfort and healing!! Please whisper peace to the heart of Elizabeth and her children and husband, and the hearts of all who are grieving now. I know you love Your people. I know You want us to trust You, but this is so hard. Please help. Be a fortress and a refuge for Your children now. Much love and prayers for you all, Lizi

  2. My heart breaks as well. There is no way to make sense of this tragedy. We can only pray and trust that the Lord will make Himself known in amazing and stunning ways through this desperately sad time. “Lord, cover this family with a peace and comfort that only You can offer. Give wisdom to Suzy and Sabet and they come alongside them. We pray for a miracle of hope to be upon all those who are grieving. Only in You, only in You do we find refuge.”

  3. Elizabeth cooked for us when we were in Tonj a few years ago. What a beautiful woman! I pray that she and her family will know the Lord’s comfort at this time. While none of us knows why these things happen, I hope they will rest in knowing that little Sebit is dancing on the streets of gold with all of his brothers and sisters in Christ, singing praises to our Lord – the King of Kings! Nothing will ever fill the void here on earth – no mother ever wants to outlive a child, but as you said Suzy, we WILL see him again in paradise! Please give Elizabeth (and her family) a HUGE hug for me until I can get there again myself to do it! We love you all and pray for you all the time. May the peace of our Lord be with you all!!

  4. This LOSS is devastating to even consider. My heart is shattered to know how much PAIN is being experienced by so many from precious little Sebit’s departure. We HAVE to claim our LORD’S TRUTH during these times. Jesus said in His Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5:4 “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.”

    I ask now, Lord Jesus, that the TRUTH of Your Word will cover each person who is suffering in this tragic situation. Send Your Holy Spirit, as well as a HOST of ministering angels (Hebrews 1:14) to minister to the HURTS & PAINS in this terrible hardship. ENCOURAGE EACH ONE TO GROW THROUGH THIS as we ALL CLAIM YOUR TRUTH that death is SWALLOWED UP in VICTORY!

    We KNOW that Sebit is with YOU! We REJOICE that his earthly sojourn is complete and his precious soul is with You FOREVER.

    I am excited to meet that special little guy in ETERNITY as we all fellowship in Your Kingdom forevermore! I PRAISE YOU, LORD, for Who You ARE! Thank You for hearing me and for MINISTERING TO THESE dear people in despair. BE GLORIFIED and BRING PEOPLE INTO YOUR KINGDOM through this. WE LOVE YOU and TRUST YOU, LORD. AMEN

  5. How awful. I cannot imagine such a death for one of my children. Please give that mom and dad a big hug from me.

  6. So very sorry for this heartbreaking situation, but agreeing with you, that Sebit is in the arms of our Lord and King.. May HE the God of all comfort, uphold you all and give the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, the oil of joy for mourning. Lifting you all up to Jesus, especially Elizabeth.

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