Snakebite Survivor

Four days ago a man called Magong was brought to us with a snake bite to his foot.  He was gardening and stepped on a puff adder, one of the deadliest venomous snakes in the region.  The family did not bring him immediately at 4 pm when it happened but several hours later when he showed signs of deterioration.  At this point there really was nothing to be done for him medically so we tried to make him as comfortable as possible and minister the gospel to him.  With this type of bite antivenom given in the first hour is essential.  The immediate effects of the venom is severe pain and swelling, hemorrhaging and nausea.  That first night he passed more than 3 liters of blood when he went to the bathroom.  Sabet was called and explained the severity of the situation.  He told him Jesus was with him and the man prayed and received Jesus into his heart.  The next morning he seemed to be much better.  We continued to pray and lay hands on him.  He is still with us and the loss of blood has reduced significantly.  He is in pain and the limb is swollen.  Please pray for him, for complete healing, that no gangrene will set in.  For his internal organs to be healthy.  For protection from witchcraft!

Last night Mario, one of our national medical staff, came running into the dining room, “come quickly, the witchdoctors are casting spells on the snakebite victim”.  Pastor Samuel and I ran over (praying on the way) and found 2 witchdoctors with a chicken and a spear performing some kind of ceremony and there were many people there watching (they had pretended to be visitors).  We stood in the middle and broke up the ‘party’.  Interestingly the witchdoctors tried to hide what they were doing and slip out, denying any witchcraft and acting very cowardly.  We escorted them outside and prayed for them.  We then went back to talk to the family, that the THIEF comes in the night to KILL, STEAL and DESTROY, but JESUS came to give LIFE and their precious son/husband was still alive.  They repented and we prayed for them and over the victim.  There is a real fear of being cursed so people are afraid to stand up against witchdoctors and often they will come without an invitation.  Please pray for this family and for Mongong complete healing.

One thought on “Snakebite Survivor”

  1. Hello IDAT! I pray for you all daily. I miss you all. Please tell Agum she is growing up so fast and she is very pretty. Then please tell her “It’s not a tuna!” She will understand.

    Love you all, pray daily for you all and the compound.

    Your brother in Christ Jesus,

    Dennis Sherreitt – In Tonj making bricks, November 2010!

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