Wound Care by Rachael Callaghan

God really is Amazing, He brings people into our lives for reasons that we can’t understand, and we’ll always remember them. Yesterday I was standing outside the medical clinic talking to the staff when a boy tugged on the back of my shirt. I don’t know how he knew I was the one in charge of wound care, but he came up to me and started showing me his three large infected wounds on his legs. I didn’t understand a word he was saying, but I knew what he was trying to ask me (Can you help me?). He was small, probably only 10 years, and he was dirty, which meant that he was from the cattle camps a long walk away. Putting my hand on his shoulder I took him inside and started washing his wounds. I could tell he had had them for a long time and that they hurt. Not knowing if he’d come back when I asked him to, I cleaned them really well and put tape over the dressing to help them stay longer. After I was done I gave him my last lollipop and said “Nhialem be dodge” which is God bless you in Dinka, and told him to come back tomorrow. He looked at me and actually said thank you (which is rare).  Even though I didn’t do much, I know that God started something in that kids life, who knows what could happen. I was just blessed to be a small part of it. A picture of him is still in my head, I know God brought him to the clinic for the reason of know that God loves him.