Amy’s Blog

This time of year in Sudan is beautiful.  There has been a lot of rain, so there are green grasses growing, the trees are full and there are lots of little flowers growing everywhere.  The other day, I got this picture of a little pink flower growing out of the side of a building.  I am amazed at how beauty pushes it’s way through the dingy and the rock hardness of life and displays itself for all to enjoy!  Thank you, Lord that your creation doesn’t stop when it hits a road block ( or a building block)!

Amy Yordt

One thought on “Amy’s Blog”

  1. Hi Amy…I have never been on a blog before so I hope this gets to you. I was just wondering if the team got there safely, as we have not heard yet. I was hoping you got the things we sent you – when I saw Matt on Sunday, I gave him your surprises but he didn’t know if he would be able to bring them as he was already packed 🙁 I didn’t think to try to get them to the team sooner so if they didn’t make it, I am really sorry and we will try to get them to you soon!! :)I have been praying he found a way to get them to you as one of them was…

    SEES CANDY!!! Hopefully, you are enjoying a piece right now and it didn’t melt on the long trek there 🙂

    Sparky is starting to “ring the bell” when he has to go potty !! He has done it a few times – he is very smart! We were upstairs last night and John heard the bell ring – he went downstairs and let Sparky out and he went poopy 🙂 what a dog – he has been at work with me all day today – in and out of the car, to school this morning, to Rubios for lunch, back to school and at work right now again…

    We have been prayin for God to heal you and for His spirit to be upon you like never before – all is good here – we miss you guys soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much and can’t wait to see you again!

    love always,


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