Hello once again from Tonj!
One of my most favorite things here in Tonj is the babies! I believe Tonj has the absolute cutest babies in the whole world! They usually have chubby cheeks, bright eyes and puffy hair. And most of the babies don’t cry when a crazy, white lady (that is me!) comes up to them and talks to them in English baby voice! The toddlers usually get very afraid. Their eyes get big and they run to their moms and cry! The other day Stacie and I were out on our walk and we came to a family that wanted to say Hi to us. The toddler reached his little hand out to me and I took it and said “Cheebok” (hi, in dinka) and he just started screaming! The funny thing was, he wouldn’t let go of my hand….he just held on and kept screaming until his mom came to get him. I felt so bad, but he was so cute! We see him nearly every day, so he will get used to me sometime.
Please pray for the babies of Tonj. They are so susceptible to malaria and other diseases. We see so many children in the clinic every day. One of my jobs here is to report to the government how many malaria cases of children under 5 we see each week. This week my total was 38. Last week the total was 42. It is heartbreaking to see a small child suffering with a high fever and laboring to breathe in 90 degree weather….and the hot season is still around the corner.
May God richly bless you as you lift these precious lives before Him.
Amy Yordt